Get out of your headsteemCreated with Sketch.

in personaldevelopment •  8 years ago  (edited)


What i mean by that  its  stop thinking  about  some shit   what  steals your energy and time,

be present  and  take  action, because all this thinking  doesnt help you, doesnt  help  me or someone..

Look at on women when they have  conversation with each other they completely present in the moment and enjoy  tрe conversation, energy all this stuff,  guys usually when they talk  with each other, thinking about something  and its not cool another human see  you talk to him or you "somewhere"

Every  day do it  for yourself  feat, some specific result for example  when you wake up do it 50 push-ups  its specific result for yourself,   you only wake up but  already WIN!

Its completely different  level of communication, so be present, enjoy yourself, enjoy conversation and have fun.

- I hope you found value for yourself.

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Great article