Reasons Why You Should Never Credit Things

in personalloan •  5 years ago 

In writing any given article, it is better to start by describing the main subject. The main subject here is credit. So now what do I mean about credit. To credit something is to take that thing with the intention of paying later. It is to add that thing to an unpaid account that will be settled in a specified time. This is practiced by most banks and microfinance companies. Many are in the habit of crediting, especially people in Europe and the Americas. Is this habit of crediting either in cash or in kind good. These are reasons why you should never credit things either from the banks or anybody to say the least.

First of all, God does not want you to be indebted to anyone or anything (this is for people who believe in God. For those who don't believe in God the subsequent reasons will also be of help to you). God is too big to permit His Children to borrow. personal loan singapore He wants His Children to give always and not borrow. His theory is give to anyone who asks because He does not want you to be indebted but wants people to come to you.

Taking things on credit brings along with it sleepless nights. It is easy to borrow but always a pain in the ass when paying. It is easy to spend money but a lot of hard work only brings exactly as much. There are people who have borrowed huge sums of money for one reason or the other and cannot sleep now because they don't know when the person or organisation will come knocking at their door. Why go through such heartache and frustration when you can sleep like a baby? This is not to mean that it is okay been poor or not striving for big things. Work hard and earn more to help people because that is what God wants for you.

In or world today where interest rates are very high, you could pay close to a quarter or more in some cases of what you are crediting. This has the potential of causing psychological problems if there is no surety in where the money is coming from. And in business where greater risks and uncertainties are involved anything can happen adversely which can prevent you from making expected returns. This means you could lose your investment and be taken to jail for not being able to fulfill your end of the bargain.

These reasons why you should never credit things may look negligible but people who owe huge amounts of money to some individuals or corporate bodies know and understand the long term effect. If you can, do whatever you can to avoid borrowing.

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