Dego and I have been together for about 12 years now, and that relationship began under some auspicious circumstances, which I won't go into. But, we have each been pretty independent, to say, never in overt co-dependence.
I have spoiled him a bit in his senior years, so he has certainly become more demanding, having also lost the rest of his dog tribe. He will come bouncing up in front of me, wanting something, which in our later life relationship, I happily bound up to comply. And, after the past few years, I have learned to get most of it right! He's hungry, or needs fresh water, or just wants to be let out of the front door gate to bound around for a while.
A while ago, he came up close in front of me, tail slowly wagging, looking straight into my eyes, me first thinking, what does he want or need, but he just moved closer, right into my face, and licked my cheek. I petted him and we stayed close for quite a long time. He somehow, seemed to sense or "understand" the wabble in my being and soul, which wouldn't be described as maybe grief to him, but the sorrow bled through, and he comforted me. What an interesting trek this life is, eh?
Ah, have to add, a friend I am grieving, was the most amazing dog whisperer. She trained her dogs lovingly with sign language. No shit! Maybe she showed up to say Hi to Dego? Who knows? But I was comforted.