My Pet Bird

in pet •  8 years ago  (edited)

螢幕快照 2017-07-17 上午10.55.28.png

I've got this Pacific parrot in Taiwan, and she's SOOOO cute! (Although the poo isn't cute though)
So 'cause I'm in New Zealand, and I couldn't be bothered letting Polly go through all that stuff so pets can go on an plane, my Mum+Dad+I decided to let my auntie look after her for six months till we got back, and I took this photo just before we left Taiwan.

and also, can anyone help me with this: I can type in Chinese, so I would like to do some posts in Chinese, but whenever I go to do that, Steemit says to me (in red letters) : no posting authority!!! so I don't know what to do...![]

she laid an egg!
but she broke it...

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