Why PETA sucks!

in peta •  7 years ago 

PETA ( people for ethical treatment of animals) is the worst organization for animals ever! In it’s entire history, PETA has killed more animals than any other animal friendly organization ( supposedly).

A brief summary of Peta killings and these are facts:

Peta routinely euthanizes all dogs under its care as it feels a dead dog is better than a hungry dog

Peta killed all pet bulls because a pet bull once bit it’s psychotic founder

Peta thinks animal milk should be substituted with human milk

Peta wants animal testing banned but would rather treat dangerous chemicals on human babies 👶🏽

Peta owns large amounts of stock (shares) of fast food giants, such as McD and KFC. This is because they believe that by controlling stock, they can change decisions such as which meat to use! Talk about twisted logic....

Peta enlisted Lady Gaga to fight against fur ? The lady owns an entire collection of minks. For fu**sake peta what the hell is wrong with you all!

Peta hosted a porn website which mainly consisted of animal abuse videos. How sick can these people get

Peta doesn’t want people to own pets as they feel that ‘ The selfish desire to possess animals and receive love from them causes immeasurable suffering‘

And last but not the least...

Ingrid Newkirk is the co-founder of PETA and the mastermind of some of their more off-the-wall schemes. One such tactic was releasing a public will, wherein she suggested that her body be “used” like an animals’. She asked that her flesh be cooked in a human barbecue, her skin made into leather products, her feet made into umbrella stands, and one of her eyes delivered to the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Other parts of her body were to be severed, preserved, and sent around the world to draw attention to various causes, including circuses and mink farms.

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