In this video, I am playing Roblox Pet Escape 2! I have not played this game for so long! I had a bunny skin but bought a Turtle skin in the second round of the game! In this game, you spawn in a lobby as a pet that you choose. To choose a different pet go to CHARACTER and select click on a pet, by clicking the SHOP and buying a skin. There are 18 pets so far and each pet has a large selection of skins.
There are currently 3 game modes that you sadly can't vote for, it is chosen by random and the 3 game modes are: Hide and Seek, Rabies and Classic Escape!
-- Use these time point to skip to the section in the video:
0:01:30 Spawned into a new round - Classic Escape!
0:05:19 Buying a Pet Turtle!
0:06:17 Round 2 - Rabies - I will just be hiding behind PEAS!
0:08:56 Third Round - Rabies again!
0:11:56 I got MVP for doing nothing?
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-- Roblox Pet Escape 2 By Tugboat
-- About Pet Escape 2
🐱Welcome to Pet Escape 2! Play as a pet and cause mayhem in the store!
This is the successor to Pet Escape.
Roblox Pet Escape 2 Created 9/1/2019, Updated 2/9/2021, Max Players 14, Genre RPG. (Online Multiplayer Game, Roblox, Pet Escape 2, Pet Skin, Pet Turtle)
-- Yesterday Gamelog
- ROBLOX VANS WORLD! FREE ROBLOX AVATAR ITEM - VANS SUNGLASSES AND RACING CAP - https://chloetuberchannel.blogspot.com/2021/09/roblox-vans-world-free-roblox-avatar.html
Let me know in the comment what game you would like to see me play.
I Love you all Chloe Tubers!
Roblox Pet Escape 2 Gameplay / Chloe Lim September 2021 Gamelog / #PetEscape2 / #PetEscape / #PetTurtle