The Incriminating History Lesson They Just Can't Teach in School!

in petrodollar •  8 years ago 

If the contents of this article/video were taught in schools, the veil of secrecy would be lifted, one of the greatest scams in history would be revealed and life just might be a little better.

“The State,” Bastiat wrote, “is that great fiction by which everyone seeks to live at the expense of everyone else.”

The French economist penned those words before he was able to witness another “great fiction,” which currently works to undermine ALL the labor and ALL the accumulated wealth of EVERY American and, by extension, virtually EVERY laboring individual on this planet.

This article is a little lengthy, so I created a video that's about 24 minutes long that used this article as the script. If you're a busy person (and what thinking person isn't, these days?) you can download the video and play it in your car or at down time at work or whatever. Enjoy the video, share the knowledge and leave your comments. And, of course, your upvotes are always appreciated!

We all work for this fiction every day. People beg for this fiction. Many borrow from others to obtain this fiction. Some even kill so that they can unlawfully accumulate more of this fiction. Without this fiction you could have no clothing for your back, no roof over your head and no food for your stomach. That great fiction is the American Dollar.

You can pull a NOTE out of your pocket and examine it. But you would be searching in vain for any intrinsic value. The value is not found in the ink, nor the material in which the ink is impregnated, nor in the wording. In fact, the wording provides the hint you’ll need to begin to realize that there is NOTHING in and of itself that imputes any value into this piece of paper – nothing, that is, but a construct of belief – oh, and one other thing. Brute force, but we’ll get to that later

Our Dollar’s history begins with Article 1 sec. 8 of the Constitution. It states that, “Congress shall have the power to coin money, regulate the value thereof and fix the standards of weights and measures.”

In 1792 the Coinage Act was passed “establishing a mint and regulating the COINS of the U.S.” This law created and defined America’s money.
It called for a coin called the DOLLAR to contain about ¾ of an ounce of silver.
It also called for a Half Dollar, Quarter, Dime and Half dime – all made of silver
It called for a coin called an EAGLE, each worth 10 DOLLARS and containing a half an ounce of gold.
It also called for a Half Eagle and a Quarter Eagle. All made of Gold
Each coin, according to this act, would bear an impression of Liberty, the Word Liberty and the year of coinage.

The reverse side shall have an impression of an Eagle with the inscription, “United States of America.”
So, the definition of money was – “A silver coin of the United States of the value of 1/10 of an Eagle” or 1 DOLLAR.
An Eagle was defined as “A GOLD coin of the United States of the value of 10 DOLLARS”
For the first 80 years of our history these coins were known as “Lawful Money.”

In 1794 the US mint in Philadelphia began minting coins. The illustration above is what they looked like. They were strictly composed of either GOLD or SILVER, painstakingly fashioned to the proper weight. So strict was the standard on weights and measures and so serious was the language of the U.S. Coinage Act, that Section 19 invoked the death penalty for anyone caught debasing the nation’s money

Article 1 Section 10 of the Constitution states, “No state shall coin money, emit bills of credit, make anything but GOLD and SILVER COIN a tender of payment of debts.”
“Emit bills of credit” equates to the issuance of un-backed paper promissory notes as money.
America’s entire economy was anchored to GOLD and SILVER by requiring the states to tender all payments in these coins. Some leaders today, however, claim that Gold is NOT money [Bernake Video]. This claim, according to the law of the land and good ole common sense, is a LIE!

This Gold and Silver standard stood as a PROTECTION for the people from the corrupt Banksters who love to loan out money they don’t have and profit from the interest. Such a debasing practice, known as Fractional Reserve Banking, is outright Counterfeiting and, therefore, THEFT!

The Gold system ensured that the nation’s wealth was distributed to all the people, rather than being centralized in the hands of a few. It CONSTRAINED governments from issuing un-backed notes of debt, which is what a Federal Reserve Note is today.

The fact is, many, including Benjamin Franklin, held that a dishonest money system was a main reason for the Revolutionary War. He wrote, “The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the Revolution.”

Two central banks materialized in early America in order to manipulate the nation’s money supply. The 1st Bank of the United States was established in 1791, in spite of opposition from people like Thomas Jefferson, who argued against its Constitutionality and wrote, “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up… will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” 1st Bank’s charter was revoked by James Madison.

In 1816 the 2nd Bank of the U.S. was formed. Andrew Jackson, sworn enemy of the Central Bank, despised the thought of private Bankers controlling America’s money. Its charter was revoked in 1833.

Gold’s discovery in California in 1849, caused the mint to add a 1 Dollar 10th Gold Eagle and a 20 Dollar Double Gold Eagle in order to distribute the gold across the population, honoring the founder’s principle of decentralizing power by spreading the wealth.

The presence and universal acceptance of gold shackled private bankers and severely limited inflation. It is interesting to note that in the 57 years from 1833 to 1890, GOLD, priced at $20.67/oz fluctuated only 1 PENNY. From 1891 to 1930 gold fluctuated .74 CENTS from a low of $20.58 to a high of $21.32.

In 1861, Individual rights-Trampling President, Abraham Lincoln, financed the “War of Northern Aggression,” by printing un-backed paper money, an act that debased America’s money and, according to the Coinage Act of 1792, placed him under penalty of death.

During this criminal act, the treasury, reeled in coins and replaced them with Lincoln’s Greenback. These notes were denominated in both dollars and cents. Virtually all of America’s money was converted to paper.

In just 4 years nearly 100% of the gains in the standard of living and the purchasing power of the dollar had been wiped out along with over 600,000 lives!

After the war, the mint resumed coining money. The dollar gained value, even going through periods of increasing buying power. In 1866, contrary to the Constitution, they replaced the SILVER dime with a 5 CENT NICKLE, allowing them to quickly replenish their silver reserves.

Unfortunately, the U.S. Government was still issuing paper dollars in the form of notes.

Here, an 1878 $20 note reads, “This note is legal tender at its face value for all debts public and private, EXCEPT duties on imports and interest on the public debt.” In other words, neither foreign nations, nor the international bankers who financed them, would accept this as money – because it wasn’t money. It was a NOTE, a LOAN, an I.O.U. It was DEBT. The creators of this debt are saying, “you can use it as money among yourselves, but don’t try to pay US with it!”

All money, created out of thin air, is DEBT. They expect YOU to accept that debt as a fair trade for your labor, while THEY reject that debt for themselves.

In the 1880’s the treasury began issuing a NEW kind of paper money called silver and gold certificates.

The legalese on these certificates reads, “This CERTIFIES that there has been deposited in the treasury of the United States, ONE silver dollar, payable to the bearer on demand.”

Each silver certificate represented one PHYSICAL SILVER or GOLD coin in the Treasury.

This bill says nothing about a “note” because this isn’t an I.O.U. There is NO restriction on imports or interest on the public debt. Foreign nations and international bankers would accept this as money because it WAS MONEY. However, if the government decreed that they will no longer honor that certificate, you are left with a fancy-looking piece paper.

The early 1900s brought men like J.P. Morgan to the forefront. Morgan, publically considered a financial luminary at the time, exploited his mass influence by publishing rumors that a prominent bank in N.Y. was insolvent. Morgan knew this would cause mass hysteria which would affect other banks as well. And it did. The public, in fear of losing their deposits, immediately began mass withdrawals. Consequently, the banks were forced to call in their loans, causing the recipients to sell their property. Thus, a spiral of bankruptcies, repossessions and turmoil emerged. Frederick Allen of LIFE Magazine later wrote, “The Morgan interests took advantage to precipitate the panic of 1907, guiding it shrewdly as it progressed.” [LIFE Mag cover]

The 1907 financial crisis, that caused the New York Stock Exchange to lose 50% from the previous year, prompted people to beg the Government to “break the grip of the money trust.” This paved the way for Morgan and his allies to step in with the solution to the problem they created… and on December 23rd 1913, the Federal Reserve was born.

The Federal Reserve, a cartel of international banking counterfeiters and money manipulators, began printing Federal Reserve Notes, a Government sanctioned bank note. This note, like the Greenback, which preceded it, was a demand note. It was redeemable for Gold, but only in Washington or at a member bank. If you lived far away, it was HIGHLY unlikely that you would redeem this paper for the precious metal.

The note itself admits that it is NOT Lawful money. Something that can be exchanged for lawful money is NOT lawful money itself.

19 Years after the FEDs creation, in 1932, FDR, another counterfeit enabling President, also subject to the criminal penalty of death, according to the Coinage Act of 1792, demonetized gold, ending the production of gold coins, certificates and silver dollars in order to “stimulate the economy.” He allowed the FED to print notes that were NOT redeemable for lawful money.

One year later, in April of 1933, FDR issued executive order 6102 requiring all persons (under threat of $10,000 fine, up to 10 years in prison, or both) to deliver on or before May 1, 1933 their gold coins, bullion and gold certificates to the Federal Reserve in exchange for $20.67 in Federal Reserve Paper. [$10,000 = $180.000 today]

After the confiscation of gold and the criminalization of those holding it, gold was raised 60% to $35/oz. resulting in an immediate loss for those who had surrendered the precious metal.

America’s leaders had stolen the Labor and TRUE wealth of her citizens and replaced it with worthless paper.

11 Years later, in 1944, while WW2 continued to rage, 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations gathered at Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, NH to establish rules for commercial and financial relations among the world’s industrial states. Because of the economic and physical devastation inflicted on virtually every country involved in the war and because the U.S. emerged from that conflict as an economic and military powerhouse in possession of an estimated 50% of the world’s known gold, the Bretton Woods agreement replaced the British Pound and established the U.S. Dollar as the world’s reserve currency. This meant that international commodities were priced in DOLLARS.

The agreement, which gave the U.S. an incredible financial advantage, was made under the condition that those dollars would remain redeemable for gold at a consistent rate of $35/oz. But with the unrestricted, unregulated 30-year-old Federal Reserve Fox watching over the Gold-filled hen house, and its greedy fingers itching to print more notes, those nations would soon discover that entrusting your nation’s wealth to a nation that had already ripped off its own citizens was a financially destructive act.

1945 brought an end to the War, revealing two of the planets undisputed super-powers; the United States and Russia. Thus began 4 decades of sustained political and military tensions, including the ever-looming threat of mutual nuclear destruction. The Cold War had begun!

America, after Bretton Woods, entered a time of great economic recovery and prosperity. Such that, in the 18 years between 1946 and 1964 Americans were busy adding 78 million baby-booming children to the population.

However, as prosperous and financially beneficial as Bretton Woods was to Americans, it had a major flaw. There was nothing in the agreement to prevent the FED from expanding the supply of Federal Reserve Notes. Soon there wouldn’t be enough gold to back all the notes in circulation.

1964 brought the last year America’s coins were struck with silver, finally physically detaching our national coinage from any link to precious metals.

During the 60s and early 70s, as the Vietnam War intensified, it became clear to the countries that had entrusted the U.S. with their gold, that the FED was running budget deficits and flooding the world with paper dollars. The French, under Charles De Gaulle, became suspicious that the U.S. would be unable to honor its Bretton Woods obligations to redeem their excess dollars into gold and, as the French exchanged surplus dollars for Gold, the U.S. Treasury’s gold stock declined alarmingly!

Rather than use his presidential powers to eliminate the counterfeiting bankers, return the U.S. to a sound money system and honor their Bretton Woods agreement, Nixon chose a different course on Aug. 15th 1971, [Nixon’s address]

“Defend the dollar against the speculators,” sounds similar to the 1907 “break the grip of the money trust,” mantra that lead to the creation and scourge of the Federal Reserve. Nixon’s decree closed the gold window, unilaterally ending the Bretton Woods agreement, and robbing EVERY nation that trusted us!

As a seemingly unrelated side note, the details of which rest beyond the scope of this video, Nixon, 59 days prior to this announcement of Global Theft, officially initiated the War on Drugs. This effectively gave rise to national crime, empowered drug cartels and, as the Iran/Contra scandal would later reveal, created a government monopoly and financial windfall through covert, governmentally controlled, drug trafficking and sales.

In 1973 Nixon struck a deal with King Faisal of Saudi Arabia to ONLY accept U.S. Dollars as payment for oil and to invest any excess profits in U.S. Treasury bonds, notes and bills. Military protection of Saudi Oil fields would, in return, be supplied by the U.S. By 1975 the same offer was extended to EVERY member of OPEC, who also agreed to ONLY sell their oil in U.S. Dollars.
This detachment of the U.S. Dollar from Gold and its connection to foreign oil FORCED EVERY importing nation in the world to start maintaining a constant supply of Federal Reserve Paper. In order to obtain that paper, they would have to send real physical goods to America.
Every nation NEEDS a robust economy in order to survive, and since you can’t get oil unless you purchase dollars, the powers-that-be, who run the U.S. have ensured that there is a constant demand for those dollars. While the demand remains for dollars, the dollar will hold its value – even while the FED continues to print and type them into existence.

This is the origin of the PetroDollar System. Worthless paper went out, everything America wanted came in and the U.S. got very, very rich as a result. So the members of OPEC were kept in power by the U.S., while the exporter nations amassed great wealth and banked their dollars at the Federal Reserve in the United States. This is the PetroDollar cycle.

After the PetroDollar recycling system was implemented, 70% of Saudi Arabia’s wealth landed in one account…the Federal Reserve of N.Y. So, the U.S. kept the Saudis in power, they got rich and America had an unlimited credit card.

Here’s how it works:
Japan needs to by oil to keep their economy moving. They make a Honda and sell it to America for dollars. They take some of those dollars and give them to OPEC. OPEC gives Japan oil for dollars because they don’t accept the Yen or any other currency. OPEC, then, takes those dollars and gives them back to the U.S. at the Federal Reserve. So the Fed prints the currency and exchanges it for REAL goods from our trading partners; those countries use it to pay their oil bill and OPEC invests it back into the U.S. – PetroDollar recycling.

As long as oil can ONLY be purchased with dollars, and we can print them for nothing – America has its very own money tree.

In the 16 years between 1975 and 1991, the U.S. used their oil-backed currency to outspend all other nations in order to amass the most powerful weaponry and military in world history. The Soviet Union Never had a chance. With the collapse of the communist BLOC and the end of the Cold War in 1991 as well as America’s emergence as the undisputed world Super Power, many believed a new era of peace and stability had begun.

But the powers-that-be had other ideas. Within that same year, the U.S. invaded Iraq in the 1st Gulf War, crushing the Iraqi military, destroying its infrastructure and imposing crippling sanctions which continued for the next decade (throughout H.W. Bush and Clinton’s administration) resulting in the deaths of more than half a million children. Clinton’s administration was fully aware of these deaths.
The two pillars that underpin American Supremacy are: The dollar as the World Reserve currency which is backed by the second pillar -- the awesome Might of the U.S. Military.

If the dollar loses its status as the world’s reserve currency, there will be no more funding for the empire we’ve build around the globe. And an unfunded military becomes an impotent military.

If that supremacy relies on other nations holding dollars for oil, then any nation which challenges that arrangement becomes the target of American discipline, through acts of war like sanctions or direct military engagement.

In November of 2000, Saddam Hussein, became the challenger of that arrangement by announcing that he would begin trading oil for Euros. From 2001 to the beginning of the war, Iraq exported about 3.3 billion barrels of oil. The U.S. bought 2.5 billion of those barrels…but had to pay in Euros. The PetroDollar System was under threat.

It was at this time that the Bush Administration, with the help of MSM, fabricated the story of Iraq’s possession of WMD’s. Iraq was quickly placed on the list of “axis of evil” nations. [Bush video]

Is it a mere coincidence that less than 10 months after a direct assault on the PetroDollar Arrangement that this happened [911 compilation video]

The horrible tragedy of that day was used as a catalyst to strip American of their freedoms, further expand the military budget and invade Iraq. Once the U.S. had control in Iraq, oil sales were immediately switched back to the dollar, costing the Iraqis 17% of their profits due to the Euro’s higher value.

This pattern of PetroDollar protection was replayed when, in Libya, Gahdafi was in the process of organizing a block of African countries to create a gold-based currency called the Dinar, with the intent of replacing the dollar in that region. In 2011, U.S. and NATO forces destabilized and toppled the Libyan government, executing Gaddafi in the process and immediately set up the Libyan Central Bank.

Those who control the U.S. understand that even if a few countries begin to sell their oil in another currency, it will set up a chain reaction and the dollar will collapse. They understand that there is nothing else holding up the value of the dollar at this point, and so does the rest of the world. And it is the brute force of the U.S. military that is deployed to crush each and every resistant state in the Middle East and Africa.

China and Russia have made it clear that they will not tolerate an attack on Iran or Syria. If Iran, their key oil-producing ally, falls – they will be unable to escape the dollar without setting off a global conflict. And since it is America who has chosen to rob other nations with their PetroDollar scheme, at whom do you think other nations will be angry for burdening them with so much forced debt?

The dollars in your pocket, represent the labor at which you worked in order to obtain them. But those dollars are debt, generated by a war-mongering cabal of elite international banking criminals who have managed to pull off the greatest heist in human history.

We are all in this together. We have been enslaved and it is up to us to work on creating solutions to free ourselves from the taskmasters who have fashioned our chains.

I'm Brian, the owner and creator of the YouTube Channel HighImpactFlix and the HighImpactFlix Facebook page. My aim is to create useful, relevant, exciting and engaging content that will inform and IMPACT those who take the time to view it. Bottom line: I strive to make it worth your while to check out my videos!

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

What a good read!
Fiat is the biggest scam )

Thank you for taking the time to write such an excellent thought-provoking article.

This is right on point and so thorough yet still comprehensible to the uninitiated... this is yet another weapon in my arsenal to "wake people up." Thanks for sharing!

You had me at petrodollar!

Lemme know what ya think..

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I think it was pretty good. You left out some recent details, like for example the wikileaks episode on the HRC server included posts on the HRC stating the goal in Libya was to stop the gold dinar in it's tracks. As you tell the story it seems like conspiracy, but if you include the cables you're presenting news. But the story arc is pretty good. I also think you're missing a pretty incredible step with Continental Script. America had a fiat debt free currency that worked pretty well before the BoE forced them all to exchange it at a shitty rate for british pounds, which then basically impoverished the colonies over night.

On a side note, how'd you get the follow button on your page? That's neato.

Thanks for your honest assessment of the article.

To apply a clickable "follow" button to your article, simply input the following hyper text (I may do a video on this) Simply copy this (there will be no spaces... and where mine says "@highimpactflix you'll insert your Steemit name:

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I sprinkled spaces all throughout this code so that you cans see everything without it creating the button. All you have to do is copy everything, eliminate ALL the spaces and insert your name. Lemme know if you meet with success on this. Peace, my friend.

So, kindly take a look at this:

I followed your advice to the best of my ability. It put the .gif in there but it also added the text. Can you explain what I did wrong? I'm not a coder. Sorry for the interruption to your normal blogging and thank you for your help and kindness.