Pfizer’s “vaccine” is approved and “Comirnaty” is the same formula.

in pfizer •  4 years ago 


On August 25 following the announcement published by the FDA that they had approved Pfizer’s Covid vaccine Bob Unruh reported for WND that Dr Robert Malone denies that the approval is actually what it claims to be:

"In a much-trumpeted announcement this week the Food and Drug Administration said it was approving for general use the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

Americans have been getting Pfizer shots for months already, under an emergency use authorization.

But an expert in the field says what reports have failed to include is that the vaccine approved by the FDA is not the same as the one that's already been in use."

With all due respect to Dr Malone, 13,000 Americans – at a MiNIMUM – dead from these so-called vaccines, and Pfizer’s is the top offender, is thoroughly enough data for me. When Dr Malone says the approved vaccine is “similar” he’s referring to the FDA announcement which says Pfizer’s “vaccine” is approved and “Comirnaty” is the same formula.

“Comirnaty”, says the announcement, contains mRNA and PEG and this stuff doesn’t stay in your body and doesn’t affect your genes and is totally safe for everybody and it’s the same formulation as “the EUA (Emergency Use Authorized) vaccine”. End Quote.

Dr Malone is quite right to call this a bait and switch with all the appearance of a cute little wiggle-wiggle intended to sidestep the outrage of approving a “vaccine” in direct violation of FDA safety protocols. The mysterious “Comirnaty” approved vaccine is not currently available and won’t be available for months, avers Dr Malone. Meanwhile Pfizer’s actual injection is “the same” and it’s available so everything is normal, folks. Belly up to the injection assembly line. Next!

To anybody who cares about the growing tide of serious injuries people are experiencing within weeks, days or even hours from being jabbed with Pfizer’s injection, the one most distributed (Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are giving people the same horrors), this is bad news. But it turns out that this announcement provides very weak grounds for objecting to the FDA approval.

The twist is that this is only the public announcement, not the actual letter of approval. The letter, a multipage detailed letter which is technically available to the public but much more obscure, has been analyzed by Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and a medical tech analyst of 20 years experience. In an interview with Stew Peters she says that the FDA has definitely approved Pfizer’s injection. But before your hearts sink, Ms Kingston says this is good news for critics of Pfizer because it means that Pfizer “MUST" (that’s verbatim language, legal language) produce a detailed list of the ingredients of the injection within 2 weeks at the latest.

Pfizer has not yet produced a real list of all the ingredients of their jab because that’s not required for EUA authorization (you can thank the 2013 Congress for that). Now that the FDA has approved the injection the ingredients must be disclosed, there must be proof provided that all the batches of it from all the manufacturers are exactly the same.

This means that the product must and will be analyzed to determine if all of it matches the list of ingredients. Pfizer is liable for prosecution as a manufacturer if it is found that quality and contents of the various vials of the product are not the same or if any are adulterated with any ingredients not listed. If this test fails Pfizer is liable as a manufacturer. If Pfizer were to put out the usual web site touting their cure (which always accompanies FDA approval of any drug) they would be also liable as an advertiser, a double whammy.

Karen Kingston notes that the “side effects” from the Pfizer jab are so many and so various that the question must be raised about the consistency of these injections. How could the same injection produce, in hundreds of thousands of Americans (according to VAERS), myocarditis, brain swelling and damage, nerve damage, muscle weakness, blood clots, severe breathing difficulties, magnets attracted to the injection site, burning pain in feet and hands, first trimester miscarriages at an increased rate of 800%, and sudden unexplained death – and yet this allegedly identical injection produces no bad effects at all for months in most people who get at least the first shot?

The FDA was informed in a meeting in October 2020 of the likelihood that all of these side effects would begin to be reported when the vaccines were rolled out in January of 2021 and so it proved. And there’s more.

One more disease was anticipated as a "side effect" of these so-called vaccines (not as the effect of the virus!), one which had never been seen before 2020; this was a brand new disease called Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C). The Mayo Clinic description of MIS-C is severe inflammation, swelling, of the brain, spleen, eyes, skin. The Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services (one of 11 reporting agencies) reports that 4000 cases of MIS-C have been reported to them and 40 children have died. Stanford is studying injecting Pfizer’s so-called vaccine into 2 year olds and six month olds.

Is British Columbia actually going to force parents to inject their five year olds so they can go to kindergarten?

Horrendous side effects are the risk. And yet this allegedly effective “vaccine” offers no apparent protection to a growing multitude of injected people. What gives?

In Israel it is already a scandal that 90% of people now in hospital with what are called “breakthrough Covid infections” have been “vaccinated” by the Pfizer jab. This so-called “breakthrough” infection is blamed on “variants” and its symptoms as described by the Mayo Clinic are identical to the deadly and expanding crazy quilt of “side effects” from Pfizer’s jab. What gives? Is this actually disease or is it poisoning from these injections?

This question will be answered. Pfizer will have to disclose ALL the ingredients. And that means they must make it clear whether their injection contains Graphene Oxide and exactly how much. Polyethylene glycol is dangerous enough but Graphene is outright deadly poison.

Class action lawsuits will pile on thick and fast if there is any law left. Whether the courts act or not the public scandal will disembowel Pfizer and all the other “vaccine” producers. Karen Kingston believes this is game over for the “vaccination” and the Covid narrative and we the people have won. I hope she’s right.

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