In the history of civilization, humans inevitably tended to organize into exclusive groups identified by biological, social, religious, language, and overall cultural historical experiential characteristics. Perhaps the most ubiquitous of these groups, besides the nuclear and extended family (kin) is the tribe (before the emergence of the modern idea of the 'nation'). One tribe that dates to pre-biblical times is the Hebrews the precursors of the modern group of people identifying in some way as Jews.
Though undergoing significant changes in what it means to be a Jew, an essential kernel of cultural-religious heritage has survived to this day among a very tiny minority of the world's population, centered in just a few places, primarily the U.S. and Israel (a modern incarnation by the surviving remnant).
Some 18 million Jews survived persecution, annihilations and assimilation into the 20th century. Astoundingly, fully one-third of this number was exterminated in the Nazi genocide known as the Holocaust, not the first nor the last genocide in human history, but one that arguably exceeded all previous and subsequent horrors, one driven by a shared maniacal obsession to obliterate everything Jewish - an obsession for which valuable resources needed for the war effort were sacrificed in a last ditch effort to complete the Final Solution before the ultimate defeat of the diabolical Nazi attempt to conquer the world.
The remaining two-thirds of the diverse Jewish people survived and (mostly) prospered. A new nation was forged amidst the chaos of post WWII Europe (not without pain for innocent bystanders) and this new nation is now a world leader in technology and medical science. Most recently, it is the nation providing a best practice instance of population vaccination during covid. And this, as we read in this story, was, in part, facilitated by a CEO who is the son of parents who miraculously survived the Holocaust.