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  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Not only did these motherfuckers convince people who didn't need opioids that they did need them, not only did they essentially bribe doctors to prescribe opioids, not only did they pressure sales reps to achieve goals of tons of opioids sold, not only did they knowingly allow doctors believe these pills were weaker than morphine when they were stronger, not only did they convince doctors and patients these wouldn't be addictive when they are highly addictive, not only did they make billions of dollars while helping to murder someone every 11 minutes of every day, put on top of all that… f*ck I can’t remember what the laughter was…

…on top of all that they were showing themselves as philanthropists?

Brilliant work, @leecamp. Resteemed.

So gross. I wish I could answer questions with non answers like that.