@mrmbb333 More Subscriber Submitted Sky Phenomenon 3/24/18

in phenomenon •  7 years ago 

I'm not sure when the last day has gone by where I have not caught one of this guys videos. He has a kind heart, open mind and strong commitment to searching for the truth and presenting it to anyone that cares to watch. He is not putting a lot of effort into using the Steemit platform as of yet but if weather, water and sky phenomenon is intriguing to you then you will be quite pleased with a lot of his content.

Here is one of his latest videos and I hope you enjoy

I remain reserved in my opinions about all the different phenomenon happening all over the globe but it is hard for me to just write them off as normal. You will see opinions of polar shifting, complete magnetic pole reversal even theories on a Nibiru cataclysm. I never really get alarmed at much and I never sell out to any one idea as all the information we have on hand is limited and I fully believe it has been carefully deigned that way.

What I do suggest is that we stop focusing so much on the physical and take some time focusing on the spiritual aspect of our existence. When the tangible things of this world lose their ability to influence us then I think all of this world can share in a more peaceful and content attitude towards one another. Embrace the ones you love as it is the spirit inside them that you just may be able to embrace for an eternity!


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