The Alien Annilation of Planet Earth

in philiosphy •  8 years ago 


What exactly do our alien captors have planned for planet Earth and its inhabitants?

Planetary destruction? And WHY would they plan such a thing?

Here are a few quotes from Handbook for the New Paradigm that explains all.

"It is with careful and focused intent that the reality of this
earthly experience is being engineered into a pattern of downward
movement into the darker and heavier energies that are at
the lower end of the scale in which the human body can exist.
This makes the contact between the extension (spirit in body)
and its Soul (focused source) more difficult.

This is not the whole of the intent. This allows for the possibility of the
separation of the two energies. Intricate manipulations of this extension energy
must be accomplished in order for this to be a possibility. The
“capture” of this Soul energy is for the purpose of causing a break
in the chain of energies that extend from the matrix of the Soul.

It is the belief of those doing this that it will cause a breaking
down of the positive energies that comprise the basic building
blocks of Creation. In other words, they perceive that causing a
break in the return flow of this energy back to its source will
cause a disruption in the larger combined pattern of the Galactic

The conception of this group of separatists is that a chain
reaction will happen allowing for chaos to such a degree that their
focus can reorganize this chaos into their own matrix. "

Control at the cellular level...


And the Possibility of Your Extinction

"Those who have brought you to this point know your current
human nature so well that every possibility you can think of has
been blocked. Every cell of resistance is well known by them and is
allowed to exist because it has a purpose in their plan. These will
be used as graphic examples of what they will not allow.

Now you must come into the understanding that there is a
passage through this experience for mankind, but you must move
into a creative stance, not a resistive posture. This is not what is
expected of you based on your past modes of experience. I can
assure you that your history has been analyzed and studied by
minds and computer model to the point that you are known to
an extent you cannot even imagine. Every reactive scenario has
been dissected to the cellular level and restrictive actions planned for each of them.

You are faced with the possibility of your extinction unless you can
make a cosmic leap to a level of creative imagination that will completely
nullify those plans


A Cosmic Leap

"Now the challenge comes to those who desire to be the instruments
of changing the negative plans for the destiny of this planet.
Can you expand your consciousness to encompass the process that
lies just beyond your “grasp”? It will be necessary for you to begin
with the basic desire of participating within a new paradigm of

Personal responsibility is the keynote of freedom.
Cooperation is a natural phenomenon as long as the need to control
is absent. The need to control is a learned activity that
becomes habitual through the experience of it.
How does one transcend this habitual activity when it is
deeply engrained at a planetary level?

It has now reached a point that in and of himself, man cannot break this
addiction. The adversaries know this well. They are sure that humanity cannot
change it. How then will it occur as the primary starting point of
the shift to a new paradigm of experience?

It can be done by understanding that thought focused and released can
indeed act within itself and upon itself. Though it sounds simplistic, and
indeed in reality it is simple, it is a powerful tool. In order for this
process to work, there are some criteria that must be present.


Re-imagining the Matrix

Since it is a process of Divine Order, it must have at its intentional
level the desire to coordinate within this perpetual process.
The purpose of it must be conceived with the focus of the continued
evolvement of those who will benefit from its inception
through the outward movement of its spheres of influence.

The intent of its purpose is the key to its success of coordination with
and within the flow of Divine Order. If this is reduced to a mathematical
formula, then its inclusion can not cause a change in any
of the Divine formulas that allow the balance of the whole to
exist in harmony.

Thought thinking within itself would know if
it was acceptable or not. That is the reason the opposition cannot
take advantage of this process. Purity of intent to harmonize as
the motive is a primary prerequisite.
The outlining thought must
be specific only in the intent of purpose.

It must provide direction of purpose allowing the thought thinking process
to proceed into Divine Order by releasing it in total trust knowing it is
in what you call etheric levels and will then manifest
into this recognizable reality using all the available triggers for
appropriate interaction.


Thanks, have a great day!

Images: pixabay

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Im sorry, i dont belirve aliens exist. Folks reporting alien encounters were possessed by demons or some sort of government experiment.

That's cool, we all have our own perspective.