in philippines •  7 years ago 

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It has been said that no man is an island. No man stands alone. Life is so empty when nobody cares. So, what do we need to do away with these emptiness and loneliness?. We need somebody to lean on.

We are sorrounded with lots of friends. We only need to open our hearts to obtain the happiness and sadness. He/she is also a person who is ready to give everything to prove his important to him.

Friendship is important to all people on Earth. It is important because if we have no friend I think we can do nothing except to hide in a corner wait till God get back our borrowed lives. True friendship is ready to give and take advices what is right and what is wrong.

Friendship is loving, giving and helping in times of need. It is also giving trust, loyalty, respect and concern to each other.

By: @aaronplando

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Where there is no friend, there is no one who knows you.

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