The Philippines is a self-sufficient country. We are leading in the agriculture industry and people from first-world countries are studying here because they are perceived as one of the best when it comes to agriculture. Perhaps, the best.
Unfortunately, that was decades ago and we cannot say the same thing now. What's even sad is, countries that learned from us before are now more advanced than us.
It seems Filipinos did not focus on what they specialized in and aimed to be good at what they perceived as better industries from other countries. Filipinos didn't appreciate our expertise in agriculture especially the young ones. As decades have passed, countries they look up to keeps on improving their knowledge in agriculture.
Young Pinoys do not know how important agriculture is. They are not aware that everything starts with agriculture. The world will not flourish without the basic needs agriculture is providing.
At the end of the day, humans need foods first before everything else. Food is the fuel that keeps us going. Celebrating life is also done with good foods.
I hope what happened due to the world pandemic gave us important lessons. I hope Filipinos will start appreciating the agriculture industry. Hopefully, Filipinos are now aware that farmers are one of the most important people in the world.
We can start by promoting agriculture as a good hobby. An enjoyable leisure that makes us appreciate the beauty of nature and at the same time learn lessons what is good for our environment. A hobby that is good for our physical and mental health.
I will do with the best of my knowledge and every ounce of my energy to make Filipinos love agriculture again. I will help spread awareness of how cool the industry is especially to the young ones. Together, we will make agriculture in the Philippines great again!