Never underestimate my Top SMITE Yorick

in philippines •  4 years ago 

This game is funny in two things.


#1, you don't think I'm the one carrying this game. (We're losing hard botlane). I split pushed bot, they sent 3 people, killed their jungler before I die. Shotcalled baron, secure for free. Destroyed tier 1,2,3,inhib top, 1 mid, 2 bot, secured 2 rh (smite top OP), stole 5 blue, 3 gromp, 3 wolves, (and 5 krugs from our jungler hehe)

#2 I let my maiden split top then I went mid. The Lee Sin 1v1 my maiden, almost died with maiden at 50% hp. Ended game since maiden was able to push through top respawned inhibitor.

PS. As usual, they kept flaming me at player select for smite top. Lol.

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