Muhammad Iqbal's opinion about the human spirit

in philosophy •  6 years ago 


Muhammad Iqbal lived in 1873-1934 was a Pakistani poet Philosophy who began his studies by memorizing the Holy Qur'an, then upon completing his studies at Lahore University by obtaining his scholarship title, he moved to Oxford University in London to study philosophy, forwarded to University of Munich in Germany is also in philosophy subject, then returned to his homeland in 1908 working as Advocate and Poet. It strikes with poems and poems of foreign tashauf lessons that put people to sleep, they are poisoned with poems and poems that stir up the spirit of struggle and the height of Islamic teachings.

Prophet Muhammad, Abu Bakr Siddiq, Umar bin Khattab and Ali bin Abi Thalib always listen to him with his poems and wonderful poems, as a tashauf man who has been able to mobilize his people to work, to strive and fight for height and progress in everything area.

The perfect man is the closest man to God, but not the one that is close to God is a human being that is lost in the form of God as taught by the tashauf and the eastern philosophers, such as the Wihdatul Wujud philosophy Ibnul Araby and Spinoza. He takes humanity to overcome all the difficulties he faces not to give up, give up or apathetic. His books, generally written in Urdu, have generally been translated into Arabic and English, as well as other languages. Among them is the process of what is behind nature, the renewal of religious thought in Islam, Asraru Khudi (Secret of the Inner), Gabriel Wing, Hadiyah Hijaz and others.

Regarding the human spirit, Iqbal said that the spirit was the result of the development of things. Objects in their lowest form are full of the soul of the world. With the gathering of these souls or the substances of the world, the process develops to certain conditions which give rise to spirit or soul or the High Substance.

So according to Iqbal the spirit does not come from a high place (the high realm or the sky), but it is the highest process of things. So it is possible that the spirit will be eternal or eternal for ever, different from things that will decompose and will disappear.

Iqbal does not distinguish between spirit and Nafs, both are one. Even Iqbal also does not distinguish between spirit and body. Both have one origin, but the functions of both are different, such as the difference between the function of the eye and the ear or the nose.

Source from the book HIDUP SESUDAH MATI, by H.Bey Arifin
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Great opinion dude.

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Thanks you

Great man of Pakistan, we call him Allama Iqbal

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