Random musings..Dual Citizenship...

in philosophy •  11 months ago 

Bild von Jaroslav Dědič auf Pixabay


It's not really a secret that some governments in our world allow their citizens to have a second citizenship. They may also provide ways for their citizens to acquire the extra citizenship. There may even be countries that have no problem with their citizens having more than two citizenships.

I would suggest that the problem with having more that one citizenship arises when those individuals manage to be voted into positions of power. Especially governmental positions of power. Examples being President, member of Congress and Supreme Court Judge.

It has been said that a person can't serve two masters equally. There will always be conflict of interests. Hence the problem with dual citizenship...especially in governmental positions of influence/power.

On a personal basis, I believe that no person serving in any position of government should have dual citizenship. But, since it seems most governments have no problems with dual citizenship in their ranks, then I say make it a requirement for them to release theirs to the public.

Just imagine, and God forbid, that two countries, of which you are a citizen, find themselves in war. How would you divide your loyalty? To which country would you be most loyal? Imagine also that you are in congress, or any other position of influence/power. Would there be no conflicting interests?

I personally don't mind dual citizenship for the normal citizen. But even there, the same questions apply if you find yourself in the military in time of war between the two countries you happen to be a citizen of.

From Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum address
At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

Dual citizenship may just be the modern Trojan Horse, and those holding dual citizenships are amongst us.

Just random musings...

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