Recognizing Your False Self From Your True Self: EGO. "KNOW THYSELF"

in philosophy •  8 years ago 


How many of us recognize that some of the decision making we do is controlled by our ego, or false self. From the moment we are born we start getting removed from our true self by way of our parents and society molding us to their understanding and set of beliefs. As we grow and get older the false importance of social acceptance dictates our way of living amongst one another. We forget what once made us smile as a child and instead think of what is more widely accepted by not just our friends and family, but also but complete strangers. Our ego is our false self, that which we are not. Our ego is created out of survival in the world of social acceptance. The ego removes us from our true self and separates us from our heart space. To really move back into the truth of who we are we must become egoless. Once we begin to do this we soon find out that the Ego is not truly really who we are. The ego separates only the heart connects. The ego creates borders, divisions, and boundaries. The more we feed the ego the farther we become from our true self. This is why we play so many rolls when we are outside in the world in the eyes of others, but once we are behind closed doors we are able to unwind and be ourselves, sometimes we think that we may not be accepted the way we are, so we act, walk, and talk and dress in a certain way as to please those around us which we call our peers. We crave the attention of others instead of self attention. We will ignore that voice inside that may tell us something contrary to what the majority believe, because we want to fit in and assimilate with the masses. The false self will have you believing you are on a higher level or more important than others, the true self KNOWS that we are all the same just living within different situations. The false self looks at the differences, the true self sees the resemblance and knows that we are all equal. The false self wears different mask and roll plays, the true self is that inner person behind the mask, it is the same way with everyone. It is the false self that looks for differences and judges others, competes and compares, it has no idea of unity because the ego is all about self, the true self knows that it is not up to it to judge or compare. We must love our uniqueness, that which may not be accepted by the majority. All that we truly need we already have. If we constantly look outside ourselves to quench the thirst of external desires we will never be satisfied because the water which we search for is already inside of us, we just have to look for the watering hole which is self love. Just something to think about incase you never have. I often say

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