Annoyed by the "know it all" complex.steemCreated with Sketch.

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

I dealt with a dude somewhat recently who claimed everything he said was 100% and that he was basically never wrong about anything ever...


And most of the stuff he was talking about was like, the meaning of life, God, spirituality, and channeling information from other places.
It was fucking fascinating I tell you what.

Some people are so ridiculously insecure and have some kind of monumental small man/woman complex in regards to their "knowledge" of existence.
It's like they can't admit to being wrong about ANYTHING, EVER. Wow.. I wonder how they look in the mirror with any kind of honesty.

The perpetuating delusions people create for themselves when they think they've learned a truth can be truly intriguing.
And.. Lemme just be fair.. Maybe he was right about everything he refused to be able to answer or prove and even the stuff I logically proved him wrong about.
I admit I could be wrong, I admit I'm wrong somewhat often and that I don't know everything..
And that statement right there, is a million times more humble than anything he will probably ever say.

SO MANY PEOPLE think they know stuff they don't...
Whether it's New Age mumbo jumbo, or Christianity, or whatever religion, and even people who cling to the umbrella of "science" as if it is some sort of an absolute ultimate guarantee of accuracy.
It's a fucking epidemic.
Now.. Let me clarify a lil bit. If you admit you can't prove your beliefs, and you're not trying to force them onto other peoples realities.. Then I think that's great!
I don't think anyone will ever be able to 100% know some of these things, so freedom of religion and belief are critical.
Diversity is beautiful as long as peoples beliefs don't unjustly harm others.

It's when people start saying.. "This is how it is" as if they can prove it, and they can't.
100% of the time when people are talking about this crazy spiritual stuff like God and reincarnation or karma or what ever, it's all belief. None of them can prove any of it.
They can say some things seem more logical or likely perhaps, though.. In my 33 years of life, and about.. 18 years of studying life and asking these kinds of questions to all kinds of people..
NEVER ONCE, ever.. Has someone been able to prove any kind of super human agency or super human powers.

I hear people talk as if God is real and reincarnation is real and karma is real and on and on and on, even including some scientific stuff like evolution from one species to another or the big bang..
It goes both ways, both the "religious" folks and the "scientific" folks are mostly delusional and creating their own subjective realities that don't line up with the "universal" reality.

Additionally.. All the psychics, and channelers and whatever, none of that has ever been proved either.
I've scoured the web for years and never found any solid absolutely observable, repeatable and testable case of anything super human.
And.. If you do think you have magic powers or anything like that.. There's a million dollar reward waiting for you to prove it at the James Randi Educational Foundation.

How are we suppose to most effectively help and heal THIS existence, when almost everyone is off creating their own delusional existences?
Come back to this reality, we need you here. Not off in your own private imagination dream land.

I want to RE STRESS that holding diverse possibilities in your mind is great, or having faith in something you can't prove but think makes sense is okay too.
It's when you start claiming absolutes that are impossible to prove as true that things just get fucked.
Especially when you have whole cults form out of this, our brains are like computers.. You give them bad data, it's almost like a virus..
So when you're spreading false information or information in false ways.. You are sort of, infecting other people as well with your corrupt reasonings.

It's not just you who suffers when you create your own delusional realities, those who interact with you often do as well and those who you "brainwash" or "train" into thinking the way you do, they are also harmed by the false information.

This is one of the strongest reasons I try to be so careful with the information I put out there, outside of just a personal desire to get as close as possible to the truth.
I don't want to infect others with faulty knowledge or reasoning or information! That could not only enslave them.. It could lead to even worse results. Use your imagination there.

PLEASE... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.. Re question everything you think you know often, try to disprove what you think you know.
It's easy to use confirmation bias and convince ourselves of things we want to be true, though.. That leads to delusion..
It's much harder, yet, much more rewarding to try to prove what you believe in wrong.
And if you can't.. Then there's a good chance it's right.
Not a guarantee, but.. I think it puts you closer to the truth whatever that may be.

So many people go around with MASSIVE confirmation bias, and that's why it's so easy to put you all into your groups and labels.
You are sort of, manifesting these things into reality. You're almost being like molded by these words and concepts.
The closest thing I can liken it to, is like a "spell" as weird as that may sound.. But..
People who are following false realities that have been created for them by others before them..
Are so of entranced, or hypnotizing and entrained into this "spell" that has been cast.

I'm not necessarily saying all delusion is a nefarious spell being cast either! THOUGH.. Some of them I firmly and totally believe are.
Especially most of the major religions and political parties and certain sciences.

K.. This rant is getting rather long so I'ma end it soon.

I guess.. I just wanna end it by saying.. Please try to awaken yourself from the plethora of spells that surround you, all the way down to the language and words you use.
Some of you who read this may be at a similar level as me or even higher in their awareness, so this doesn't apply to everyone.. I'm definitely not a master or at the pinnacle..
Yet I do think I'm high enough up at this point that I can help others up and passed some of the obstacles that I've already got up and over.
As cliche and corny as it sounds.. If you're not on the path.. Please begin working on waking yourself up as much as possible as soon as possible.

Assuming anything matters, then life and freedom and love and beauty matter.. And if we don't change the course we are on as a species..
We might lose those things, we might even extinct ourselves at the rate we are going...
The future of the fucking species is more important than whatever video game or tv show or sports or whatever entertainment you're into.
Cause.. If we extinct ourselves, you won't have any of that anymore. What's the point of all your video games and tv shows and sports and whatever if you're too dead and everyone else is too dead to partake in it?

There are numerous events from running out of drinking water, to the bees and fish dying off which are both vital, to global warming if you believe in that to nuclear waste leaking constantly and the ocean is heating up mysteriously and on and on and on..
Some researchers think it's too late and we have less than 10 years, others put us out to around 2050... But who really knows.
I think anyone who does their research should agree it's really bad though, it's out of balance. It's unsustainable at this rate.
Things need to change. Please care more about yourself and others and the environment.

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I perfectly understand where you are coming from. Check my latest post about Bling following the Blind . I also wrote about how There are no absolute truths

I was going to make a post about it as well since it's a very important topic, but you've covered most of the points and done so really well.

People hold on and defend what they believe because it can end up being tied to their identity. It's far easier to stay in the same spot then it is question everything, because questioning yourself could lead to the possibility of you being wrong, and depending how attached you are to a belief or viewpoint, being wrong is extremely painful. It's like someone reaching in and taking your heart out.

Yeah.. Actually.. I just became aware of a study recently that showed people go into a sort of fight or flight physical reaction when key beliefs are challenged.. And I notice this in myself sometimes, though I don't think it's as bad as I see with a lot of others, for the most part..

So literally, when we are arguing or debating we are sort of, fighting with our egos, and if you are to be wrong and humble yourself enough to admit you're wrong, then your old self dies.. So it's kinda like part of you is really dying.. But.. most people can never admit they are wrong, so most debates end in neither side changing their viewpoint, and often becoming even more entrenched in their own.

But.. If you're okay with ego death and truly trying to get to the bottom of things to the best of your ability, I think it's a lot easier.

Thanks for the thoughtful response! I feel like this is a really important subject. It deserves more to be said about it in general!

If this trait fascinates you, you can find it allot here

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well, you can find it everywhere, but I do think it's slightly more prevalent on this site at the moment.

Agreed in regards to finding it everywhere, though I actually think this site is a bit better than ones like Facebook in regards to the know it alls. BUT.. I definitely have experienced my share of them on here as well.. But it's like you said, they are just sort of everywhere for the most part I think.

Haha. Indeed.