It appears as if some people believe nukes are fake..steemCreated with Sketch.

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

Apparently some people think nukes are fake. Interesting times.
I only watched a lil bit of this documentary.. And..
Some of the information is interesting.
It does look like some of the footage may have been faked, but I have a hard time believing it ALL was.
I have no reason to doubt the government has weapons that powerful and even more powerful..
I don't understand why some of these people think all nuclear weapons are fake..
Some of the footage is actually really compelling.. Like the clip I included in my Are You Out There? movie where there's a scene of a test nuke going off and soldiers walking towards it..
As a photographer of much of my life and movie maker for I dunno.. Approaching 10 years.. Some of it looks super real to me, does not look faked.

Yet.. Some of it does indeed look faked.. So.. I wonder why.. Perhaps in the beginning, they wanted it to seem like they were more in control and had more power than they did.
Dunno.. Interesting I guess though.. Despite my extreme disagreement on some subjects, I do appreciate when interesting questions or ideas are raised.
Link will be below if anyone is curious.

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There's enough evidence of nuclear testing I feel it shouldn't even be a question. But on the same note you should question everything. Doesn't always mean it's false though.

Totally agreed. I think it's important to question everything, even your most deeply held beliefs.

Some people believe the Earth is flat there's that.

Nukes are fake. Total boogeyman.

I'm not sure you could ever prove that even if you could prove that all of the footage was faked. Who knows what the government has that they keep secret. I imagine they probably have weapons more powerful than nukes.

Why is the default assumption that they have more powerful weapons rather than less?

Cause according to my research and quite as few others they are like at least 10 years ahead of the public with all of their classified technologies. Some people put it out much further, like 30 or 40 years. So logic implies they have more powerful technology, can't prove it.. I guess you could be right, but I think it's less likely you are in that case.

Who are 'they' exactly?

People will always have their own opinion even if its wrong, good post.

Its so interesting what humans can end up believing... which then makes them do horrific things

Agreed! Human belief is a fascinating subject.

Maybe many forgot the two that were dropped on Japan during WWII.

'Nukes' weren't dropped on Japan, it was atomic bombs that were allegedly used.

I know they were atomic bombs, my point was with the devastation they had decades ago, one would think with the technological advancement and insane amount of money in weapon research, nuclear bombs or "Nukes" with even more destruction capabilities would be very possible and real. I pray that we will never know.

Their destructive power is just advertising. The Allies aerial firebombing campaigns against Japan and Germany were vastly more destructive than the supposed atomic bombs allegedly used against Japan by the US; by the numbers, from the US own accounts of the events. Supposing that atomic bombs were actually used against Japan, the demonstrated effects of the atomic bombs were highly inconsistent with the predicted (advertised) effects perpetuated by its creators and proponents. They certainly didn't destroy the entire cities, nor kill most of those cities populaces, nor render the cities uninhabitable from radiation, and On and on.

Your first clue that something's rotten: why don't 'we know' how devastating these nuclear weapons are? How is it that these nuclear weapons we're constantly told exist, and are simultaneously (and paradoxically) told are both unquestioningly necessary and an existential threat have never been any nation possessing them? None. Not even once. Does it really sound plausible that the worlds military forces suddenly came to practice self-restraint? Is there any evidence that military's devote incredible amounts of their budgets to manufacturing their apex weapons in order not to use them? History shows the opposite to be true, every time. Every time. "But not this time, this time something's different." Nothing is different. If they were real they would be used.

Well, nukes have the ability to literally destroy the world. So I think even crazy leaders would show self restraint since it actually endangers their own lives.

Mutually Assured Destruction...

First, there is nothing that has 'the ability to literally destroy the world."

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

When I say destroy the world I mean destroy most of mankind

What does most of mankind mean? If there are 8 billion ppl does 'most' mean 4,000,000,001? Regardless, just thinking about the absurdity of such high numbers should be enough to have you start rethinking this whole "kill all of mankind" propaganda. It's all ridiculous on its face.

In the video, they claimed that it was"fire bombed" like the fire bombing done in Europe for example.
So.. It appears as if they have an argument for that. Doesn't mean they are right about that argument, but they do have an argument. I can't say for sure one way or the other, I wasn't there. But I lean towards the accepted historical narrative right now.

Absolutely, and why wouldn't you. After all historical narratives are always correct.

Oh oops, you're right.. ALL historical narratives are always false.. So I should throw every historical thing out the window without selectively picking and choosing which ones seem more logical to me. Let's just throw it all out and disregard everything that's ever been claimed to have happened!

That's a good starting point.
