The Call Of The Void

in philosophy •  6 years ago  (edited)

Have you ever had inappropriate thoughts? Let's say you are standing over a balcony and you think "what if I jumped?" this does not mean you are suicidal or unhappy it is actually normal and there is a name for this. L'appel du vide is the french term for the call of the void. This is a really interesting concept because it describes when we get intrusive/opposing thoughts in our head. This is nothing to be alarmed of as it is actually normal! Just make sure not to act on it.did-you-know-lappel-du-vide-is-when-you-have-31297261.png

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Not sure I would name it as the Call of the Void. It's just something your brain does all the time without you thinking too much about the consequences. When the consequences are dire, then it is highlighted. In a similar way, have you noticed how you remember bad outcomes to your actions, but good ones tend to fade into nothing. I belive that is simply a survival trait, and everyone has these experiences. The result of remembering bad experiences is that you avoid them in future. Not good for peace of mind though.