What world do we want our children to live in?

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

Crazy People doing crazy things and want to destroy all humanity.

We don´t have to let evil thoughts take over our world.

Instead of hoping for politicians and other people to do good for us and thus change the world to a better place, we can do all this on a personal level - and thus change the world into a place where evil hardly exists anymore (maybe there will always exist some kind of evil, but if all people in the world just ignored that evil, it would completely loose its power)

Since I heard about the law of attraction , and starting to understand it, it really helps me to understand the world we live in much better.

Don´t want to have children growing up in a world full of fear like this:

artwork by #FabianZolar

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You can't defeat evil outside by ignoring it.

Hi, sorry I took so long to reply. It is, in my opinion, not meant ignoring it, but meant to not letting evil overtake your good heart and thoughts. By trying to focus on the positive things in life we can alter our state of mind and as well the physical world around us, can make our overall feeling better, and the consequence of this is really, that many things around us will turn lovely. Sure you can´t stop evil as one person, but imagine if there would be a world with most people having good thoughts and will - the evil would loose its power completely.

It's very interesting post!
Great job my friend @art21