The Complete Emmet Fox Biblical Symbolism Reference (Part 5)

in philosophy •  6 years ago  (edited)


The Complete Emmet Fox Biblical Symbolism Reference

...The Bible revealed (part 5)

The Bible is full of symbols, do you know what they all mean? Emmet Fox was an early 20th Century New Thought Christian church leader and he is responsible for more than a handful of books that contain the meaning of many biblical symbols. If you possess his keys to interpreting the Bible you will come away with a transcendent mentally empowering way of understanding a text that some people may consider far less empowering.

After many months of going over Emmet Fox's texts and carefully cataloging each symbolic reference, a database of each reference was able to be created and then compiled into this Steemit blockchain post series for future preservation in the digital age. If you are discovering Emmet Fox for the first time, it is highly suggested you read some of his books as these symbol references will not be quite as personally relevant as it would be for someone who has read some of his works. I hope you find this work helpful.

This is only part 5 of a series on Emmet Fox's Biblical symbolism due to file size restraints when posting.

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Symbolic phraseMeaning according to Emmet FoxBookPage
Joseph's many-colored coatThe rainbow is a symbol similar to the many-colored coat of Joseph, and represents the etheric body. It is the human aura, depicted in many religious paintings as the halo around the head. Your etheric body is colored in accordance with your habitual thoughts.Diagrams For Living54
JudgementJudgement in the Bible means deciding on the truth or falsity of any thought.Make Your Life Worthwhile66
Lambs & Sheep (Jesus)When Jesus said' "Feed my lambs, feed my sheep" - the lambs are the beginners, the general public, the young spiritually; the sheep are the more mature and understanding people, those who are more advanced spiritually.Ten Commandments116
LandIn the Old Testament the people were told that they could claim any land which they occupied or upon which they "put their foot." In the Bible, land always means manifestation, and spiritually the foot symbolizes understanding, and in psychology concentration. The necessary understanding is, of course, to be obtained by prayer and meditation - the holy mountain.Make Your Life Worthwhile189
LifeIn the Bible sense, it will be sufficient to point out that you experience Life only when you are happy, and feel yourself to be free and useful and joyous, and unconscious of either fear or doubt. A long physical life full of struggle, suffering, and disappointment is not long life in the Bible sense. Life in the Bible sense is somethings supremely worth having.Make Your Life Worthwhile72
Life of JesusThe life of Jesus is a dramatization of the Christened soul, the soul which has chosen the spiritual path. So the life of Jesus furnishes many diagrams for living as we either follow in the master's footsteps or try to go it alone.Diagrams For Living116
LightLight is a common symbol for TruthAlter your life45
LightGod is light and, and light means knowledge and understanding.Diagrams For Living152
Lights in the firmamentSymbolize the growth in our understanding.Alter your life45
LionLike a lion, represents the spiritual nature, or the white horse.Alter your life19
LionStrength and power of a different kind than a bullTen Commandments11
LordThe word "Lord," as a rule, means God in the special sense of our own indwelling Christ; our own true identity, the Divine Spark - the I AM.Power Through Constructive Thinking90
LordOften in the Bible the word, "Lord" means "law." Often if you read "law" where it says "Lord" you get the idea.Ten Commandments58
Lord"The Lord" in the following text from the story of Noah means the Divine Spark in man himself. - "And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. "Diagrams For Living47
Lord / Lord GodWhen the Bible speaks of the "Lord" or as it does in this section, of the "Lord God," it means your concept or idea of God, and not necessarily God as He really is. For instance when the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart, it means Pharaoh's own (mistaken) idea of God hardened his heart, not that the true God did this. When the true God is meant, the Bible uses simply the word "God" or "Elohim" and of course the words Life and Truth and Love are Aspects of God. / Lord can sometimes mean law (tower of babel story for example)Alter your life71, 84
MaleIn the scriptures, the male always represents intellect and knowledgeAlter your life50
Man"man" may stand for manifestation or what is in other verses of the Bible called the "earth."Alter your life51
ManThe man represents the spiritual side, the Christ within.Diagrams For Living130
Man and wife(New Testament) "man" means the"I Am", the conscious spiritual part of yourself. "Woman" or "wife" means your soul; chiefly, in our modern terminology, what is called the subconscious.Diagrams For Living104
MeekMeekness is a combination of open-mindedness, faith in God, and the realization that the will of God for us is always something joyous and interesting and vital, and much better than anything we could think of ourselves.Sermon on the Mount29
Mine enemiesMy enemies are my own thoughts: my doubts, my fears, my thoughts of criticism of others, and self-condemnation - the only enemies I can have. "a man's enemies shall be those of his own household."Power Through Constructive Thinking47
MoonAnother symbol for the soul is the moon. The moon represents the human personality with emphasis on the subconscious mentality.Diagrams For Living25
MoonThe moon stands for the subconscious mind.Diagrams For Living40
MoonThe moon always means subconscious mind.Diagrams For Living84
Moon under feetSymbol of conquest. To have your feet on a thing means that you have subdued it with understanding. The subconscious mind has come under her (the soul) control.Diagrams For Living84
MorningMorning stands for fulfillment.Alter your life37
MotherIn the Bible, mother means the feeling nature.Around the Year217
Mount Zion"Ascend Mount Zion" Mount Zion, which is the realization of God Himself.Power Through Constructive Thinking102
MountainPrayer or spiritual activityFind and use...216
MountainThe mountain, in the Bible, always means prayer, the uplifted consciousness.Power Through Constructive Thinking71
MountainIn the Bible, the mountain always means uplifted thought, awareness of the presence of God, and is therefore holy - which means not pious or sanctimonious, but peaceful, healthful, harmonious, and joyous.Make Your Life Worthwhile222
Mountain or hillA hill or mountain is uplifted consciousness. The great mystics and seers and teachers in the Bible are always spoken of as going up into the mountain to pray - the inference is that he got away from limiting thoughts and outer things to realize the presence of God.Diagrams For Living167
NamesIn the Bible, as elsewhere, the "name" of anything means the essential nature or character of that thing. So when we are told what the name of God is, we are told what his nature is, and His name or nature, Jesus says, is "hallowed." "Hallowed be thy name" means "Thy nature is altogether good, and Thou art the author only of perfect good."Sermon on the Mount156
NightNight in the Bible, often means what we call today the subconscious mind.Alter your life45
NoahNoah represents our spiritual self.Diagrams For Living54
NorthStands for trouble, fear, and general disharmony.Alter your life27

Previous Post Series Articles:
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

This is only part 5 of a series on Emmet Fox's Biblical symbolism due to file size restraints when posting.

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