Ben Shapiro about Socialism

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Ben Shapiro

"there are a bunch of problems with socialism as far as the you'd like me to steal man okay so you'd like me to build up the case for it okay so the so the strong the strongest possible case for socialism is the quote unquote moral case for socialism okay it's the case that this is why the left sticks with it because it's the strongest case it's that the the universe is inherently unfair some of us are born with certain skills some of us are born with other skills some of us are born with more capacity to make money that's unfair the world is unfair and the best way that we can fix that is by collectivizing all resources and then redistributing those resources in a more fair way the actual argument that Marx makes invest capital is not just an economic argument he actually makes a transcendental argument he basically says that human beings would transform to new types of human beings once they're no longer is concerned with their own private interests and they are more concerned with the common interest and they understand there's a certain baseline level of support that they will receive if they just as a member of society that's the strongest case for socialism it runs up against reality obviously it runs up against economic but the strongest case is the the actual Marx case which is more of a spiritual case almost for socialism than an economic one when people say Marxism works it doesn't unless what you're saying is that Marxism only works if you're trying to change the nature of human beings which is really the Communist Manifesto."
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