ben shapiro destroying pro-abortion argument

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Ben Shapiro

"ha ha proportion yes employment yeah ok so then what would you advise okay so first of all I appreciate that you created the saddest possible scenario for me she also disabled what's really go whole hog and she has breast cancer as well so it's as long as we're creating imaginary victims but in fact you know the answer is that that doesn't actually change the calculus meaning that obviously what happened is person was an awful awful horrible thing and as I said earlier the person who raped her should be tracked down captured killed or castrated so that's number one proportions not changed based on need rights the fact that she's poor and needs an abortion doesn't change whether she was rich I needs an abortion or poor because the abortion argument really comes down to do you think this is a life or not if you don't think its life you can do whatever you want with it if you think it's a life you can't do anything work as far as much he does with the baby that's up to her you know it's obviously going to be in an obvious economic partner I would think that a lot of people out there like me we give charity in order to try and help out somebody who's obviously in that sort of situation and there are charities that exist for people like this to try and help out and if you know okay the idea that what about the health of mothers or my view on abortion again morality of killing a baby does not change as long as the baby's not threatening the life mother and the case of my baby threatens life the mother like for example you have a case where a woman has actual breast cancer and she needs chemotherapy and she's pregnant but the carrier chemotherapy will abort the baby which actually does happen right that that is a case where the mother should I think be able to get the treatment it's not the same thing as an abortion so it's actually treating the mother or what she's got and byproduct of that if the baby is terminated Amy's guilt basically I do think that important to note two things one the solution to something horrible happen is not another horrible thing happening in the killing of babies action and true it's really not good to take the marginal case and then use that to argue drama so what people tend to do is they say oh what about the girl is raped what about her abortion is so now let me ask you the girl warmer and she just got pregnant would you think that you should show that sister divorce right so you're giving me an adversary giving me an exceptional case in order to prove a rule that you don't actually want to defend so you just come up in ask me to I think a woman should have an abortion then you can actually have an argument about our discussion about in what cases in abortion was appropriate but you always say this what people aren't the pro-choice side the anti-life side actually do what they actually do is they take the bars run days they take a rape you know woman who has a severe disability and they say this is all abortions that's not all abortion significantly less than 1% of all abortions are performed on women who have been raped if you want to talk about the epidemic proportion of the country over a million abortions performed a year in the United States let's talk about the other 99% of cases when you are willing to agree with me that the other 99% of cases are not cases where abortion should be necessary and I'm willing to have discussion with you about compromise but I don't think that's what you want I think that you're just using the exceptional case in order to try and guilt me into supporting abroad-based of work these are two separate issues sympathy for the woman and sympathy for hefty little sympathy for the child okay I'm the only one in this conversation who's expressed the willingness to take money out of my balloon pocket and put it in somebody else 300,000 on 1 children here no I don't donate to a baby."

I´m not the author of this writing. Source:

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