Words from the wise: Hercule Poirot, my very favourite

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)


It is not just figureheads, actors or poets, that have some great advice and / or sayings but there are also some fictional characters. My very favourite and the one I enjoy most of all out of the few I like such as Churchill, is the one and only Hercule Poirot, an Agatha Christie's story, played marvously by David Suchet.


Please enjoy the following Poirot sayings.


I do not argue with obstinate men. I act in spite of them.

Everyone is a potential murderer - in everyone there arises from time to time the wish to kill-though not the will to kill.

It is the brain, the little gray cells on which one must rely. One must seek the truth within - not without."

Twenty-four hours... 'and a quarter. Do not forget the quarter, monsieur - it may come in useful. '

It is deplorable! To remove all the romance - all the mystery! Today ever thing is standardized!

Not only is truth stranger than fiction - it is more dramatic.

If you will forgive me for being personal - I do not like your face, M. Ratchett.


I really do love Hercule Poirot's sayings, they are both fun and some true. I hope you enjoyed them.
Thanks for stopping by.

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