Regrading equality and your idea and opinion of fairness and whats considered right and wrong

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

I'm all for equality of opportunity. There are competent females as there are incompetent males. But NOT equality of outcome. Of course, as with any large group, there will be a small number of exceptions, and that's why I want equality of opportunity, so those exceptions may get the rights they deserve, but there we go, equality of opportunity, meaning they get to be tested to see if they're fit, not equality of outcome, meaning they just get in "because equality". That's why I'm always against equality of outcome but for one of opportunity as it allows for tradition but also individualism at the same time since that is the antithesis to overbearing collectivism. Individualism isn't the problem. The U.S. was founded upon individualism, self reliance, and personal liberty. But such things come at a cost, and that cost is personal responsibility. Responsibility for yourself, responsibility for your family. Responsibility for your community. And ultimately, responsibility for your own government. Personal responsibility is one of the sole problems in most world issues. but I don't think people taking responsibility for their own actions will happen until they're forced to do it. That is the problem with govt. There is a never-ending excuse not to take responsibility and feed your primal urges in the moment while putting the responsibility to be disciplined and financially/mentally stable on others. Govt is like a drug, and everyone is functioning addicts. Until you hit rock bottom you'll continue on functioning as long as you have the drug. it's a feedback loop, a self perpetuating cycle, the government whose already ran by psychopathic elites, gradually teach society through propaganda over generations to embrace their inner nihilism and narcissism, so that society becomes so corrupted that they no longer notice how corrupt their government is. And hence, the authorities have to hide their corruption less and less. And in turn, corrupt people continue to promote more corrupt politicians and CEOs and shit. The government puts the propaganda out there, but if you are a curious individual, and choose to educate yourself, the government isn't putting a gun to our head yet, to make us do anything... It's mind over matter, don't take the bait, don't bite the hook. There are surely corrupt politicians and groups with political agendas, but ask yourself how much power would they have if the people valued personal responsibility? And because we lack personal responsibility for our actions, it's only a matter of tightening up the thumb screws. their existence does not absolve the people of personal responsibility. The only way to defeat corruption ... is with Personal Responsibility! Taking responsibility is a trait of leadership, and a lot of people aren't leaders. especially for over half the population. Not everybody wants to rise up and take responsibility for their actions. Identity politics. If you can claim some form of oppression, then you can stand as indignant to whomever disagrees with you by using it as a joker card against which there is no moral retort. Which means it becomes a conversation stopper and in no way helps to improve the world. It just shuts up different voices. It also devalue those truly assaulted and it weakens the rest of society. Furthermore, because anyone can claim some sort of oppression cause life then it can be fractioned off right down to the individual level and on a planetary scale, it becomes impossible to address or manage, which means that once more, oppression becomes a class privilege. Different class, different privilege, maybe, but those who are really oppressed, I mean the starving ones in war-torn countries, will remain without a voice. We are obliged to pretend respect for people and institutions we find absurd. We live attached in a cowardly fashion to moral and social conventions which we despise and secretly we condemn as they lack all foundation. It is that permanent contradiction between our own ideas and desires and all the dead formalities and vain pretenses that our civilization instructs us to accept. It is this which makes us sad, troubled and unbalanced. With this intolerable conflict we lose all joy of life our current Gynocentric culture teaches us that ideologues are justified in there actions as a collective hive mind set and that the effects of those actions are not their responsibility what you end up with is someone who's primary motivation is self appeasement with a much lower standard of morality on how they accomplish it. They've been held collectively to a lower standard of behavior justified by past cultural behavior. Turns out two wrongs don't make a right after all. In short we now create newer and less moral sociopaths with each generation. As media availability and influence increased, marketing people learned, that exaggeration, distortion and aggression attracts more viewers. Where to get it? The answer is simple - conflict between different agendas. Agendas form groups and by exposure, thru media, agendas attract more and more people. hence stroking the flames of humanities darker nature. Whether a law is right or wrong, moral or immoral, is an idea, a personal philosophy... but it always seems that fights over ideas skip over the barrier into the real world and become battles of real violence. how do you deal with someone who is reacting to you as if your words and ideas are contempt-full towards them when they are actually not?"

in our political spectrum today we encounter a lot of people who come from either the "far right" or the "far left" and they have been conditioned by those they look to for thought leadership to believe that basic ideas are evil, sinister and contemptible!
ideas such as compromise, religious objectivity, non-religious morality, centrist thinking and many more I could name!

When people react to those ideas as if those ideas are contempt from those of us who are open-minded surely isn't suggesting we behave as if we have a problem to fix on our end!?

And finally the elephant in the room how about when your opponent is pretending to feel content from your ideas when they don't really feel that way but they have been motivated by special interest groups that has paid them vast sums of money to promote that feeling and pretend to represent it on some moral principle!

Contempt like anything else can be faked so in this post truth era how deeply must we discern for real content versus the pretentious contempt I describe above! real Criminals can thrive on the overindulgence of society's understanding. There's a point far out there, when the structures fail you. When the rules aren't weapons anymore, they're shackles, letting the bad guys get ahead.

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Basically what they do is...they start by taking away your rights to self-defense one by one, while claiming that they are protecting individuals as they've been conditioned to become dependent on big gov't who is bought off by large corporations. It's like Dylan Ratigan said, "Get the money out of politics!". They always turn up the heat slowly so you don't suspect your freedom is being jeopardized.