Philosophy ~ my train of thoughts have left the station, Oh what creatures of habit we are!

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

Creatures of habit we are indeed

And negative habits for the most part at that.

Luckily, we all know that life is all about choices and we can make a conscious decision to change our ways.
So; what exactly got me thinking about this?

Well I was actually sitting on a golf cart one day and observed some players swinging away at the tee-off in front of me, and I realised that every time one of them hits a near perfect swing the air is immediately filled with a sense of accomplishment fuelled by congratulations, however when the same player hits a hideous swing he and his fellow players immediately turn to their analytical skills to try and determine what went wrong. It baffled me that you barely ever noted a single player analysing a great swing to try and figure out what went right!

I remember hearing a saying (quoted from Tony Robbins if I am not mistaken) many years ago that stated:

“If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten. ”

And before this observation I have always made a direct association with this when I struggled to reach a given goal, after this I started applying this saying in my life in order to replicate my success. Don’t get me wrong, I do not allow this to restrict me, I still peruse new avenues and embrace new opportunities when they pose themselves. It is just that when you find a recipe for success you hold onto it.

At the same time analysing failure is also not necessarily a bad thing, it teaches us to activate the lateral way of thinking and problem solving, and also teaches us what to avoid in the future.

But I still think that we should embrace both teachers; the evaluation of fault as well as the analyzation of success, for they teach us equally valuable lessons!

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Breezin, I want to share an awesome quote with you, because some people just get it and I believe that you are one of them:


cant believe I have never heard that one before, that is just stunning.
Its like a little thought windmill... eish

One of my favorite quotes attributed to Einstein is his definition of insanity.
"The definition of insanity is doing something over and over again and expecting a different result."

That has to be one of my favorites as well. Thank you for commenting, I dont see a lot of activity lately in a lot of the Trails.
Have even considdered revoking the given voting power from streemian, so I am grateful for your comment!

I had a sudden trip come up, so I was out for about a week, but I'm not sure about the rest. Most of them are ran by different individuals, this one is ran by @clayboyn. I'll mention it to the powers that be though.

I know who its run by lol. Just that i havnt seen any support on my own or other posts from trails as it used to be in the past

Just an update on this, it appears Streemian has been having trouble since the influx of new users. I have been wondering about this as well and you know I'm a stickler for clarity and honesty. I'll let you know if I hear anything else, but my last post should be proof that it is a bigger problem than even I was aware of... hopefully that gets fixed soon.

Oh ok, Thank yo so much, I appreciate the feedback, please send me a link to the post you are reffering to, I would love to read it!

LOL, well it was a touchy subject to begin with...

Thank you for the link kind sir, I will go have a look at my earliest convienience... oh what do you know that seems to be right now :D

Nice post about Philosophy.. It is great.. Keep it up Ma'm.. Thank you..

Thank you so much