Rebellion in the world of academic elitism.

in philosophy •  3 years ago 


Do you know that our entire university and 4 year college system, thousands of colleges funded by the state, and private institutions as well, are committed from the top down to the philosophy of materialism. College professors today are simply students who enrolled and never left, earning degrees and credentials and working within the system to be given the privilege of teaching. They teach what they were taught and ONLY what they were taught. If they didn't they would lose their slot on the way to tenure. Tenure IS the goal.

What is happening in this closed world of academic elitism is a rebellion. People like Richard Dawkins are being exposed as the frauds they are. The astounding discoveries of the world of DNA being made every day are ripping the mask off the materialist philosophy of reality. I experience a sense of inner glee when I see some layman brainwashed for 50 years by the Smithsonian, Popular Science, National Geographic, Nova and the Discovery Channel stuttering over the complex machinery involved in RNA transcription.

I always thought archeology was a pretty cool method of forensic historical analysis. Look at ARTIFACTS from the past like a speartip or pot and infer that an intelligent entity was responsible for its origin. How about the artifact we know as DNA? From cyano bacteria present on earth LONG before man? Cmon all my materialist friends holding on to ANYTHING as long as it's not God. How did it originate?

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