Feminists are killing rational discussion

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

When a radical feminist meets Logic, the following conversation ensues.

Feminist: "Women earn less than men for doing exactly the same job."
Logic: "If women earn less than men for doing the exact same job, why don't those (greedy) capitalist pigs only hire women to save money?"
Feminist: "Because they're sexist."

Radical feminists are killing rational discussion by claiming that using logic and science to prove your point is sexist:



Pullman, J. (2016). Feminst PhD Candidate: Science is sexist because it's not subjective

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avoid feminists.

Short and sweet. I like it.

It's pretty much the best red flag for dating you can have. It's up there with multiple kids and borderline personality disorder.

Hahaha :D

Haha, Yes.

Science is sexist because it's not subjective

This is a perfect example of what @kyriacos was talking about yesterday:

You want to make it in academia? Publish papers. Quality? Doesn't matter. What matters is numbers. The more you publish the better.

No doubt the PhD candidate mentioned in Ms Pullman's article will be cashing in on this "obvious" discrimination through multiple grants to fund a wide range of studies that have already proved her theory. It's just a matter of writing the summations once she gets the money.

Yes, that's sadly the state of our academia.

But the internet is beginning to remedy that.

The internet and the people who are using it to make people think @chhaylin. ;-)

I love the Jackie Chan meme. Radical feminism seems to not want equality, but to take on stereotypical male traits and have their turn being the oppressors.
I think you would be interested in my latest post about our anarcho, free-form spiritual practice that in part concerns a real rebalancing of the sexes. Cheers! https://steemit.com/spirituality/@daodesam/our-gaian-tantra-vow

Hi @daodesam, thank you for your comment. I will definitely read your post! :)

Yes, yes, yes! The radicals don't want equality, they want to be in charge. I consider myself a feminist, and am all for women being treated equally, but I don't want us to be in charge of the world. There needs to be balance.

I actually found this post from a link a commenter put in one of my own recent posts about how I hate it that TV and movie producers are changing traditionally male iconic hero roles to female. I think they should leave things as they are with the men, and be creative by making awesome NEW and ORIGINAL heroic women characters. We don't need to appropriate the male characters. It's such a new pet peeve of mine.

Exactly. I consider myself a feminist too in that I think the male mindset has dominated the feminine which has led to the current imbalance in the world. And this takes place in all of us too since we all have both sides like Yin and Yang. I think returning to Nature is the best way to reconnect with the Divine Female. The militant feminists deny there are any natural differences between the sexes and any apparent ones are socially constructed and enforced so it is all about asserting power over others rather than rebalancing the energies.

I agree. Anyone who thinks there aren't any natural differences between male and female are not paying attention. Of course there are difference, and there are supposed to be. It's the same in the animal kingdom. Animals, actually, have the balance thing down pretty well. They know it's not about one being more powerful than the other, but equal to each other in their own unique strengths. Why are humans having such a hard time with this simple concept?

It's an intriguing question. I think certain religious and political institutions teach us that our bodies and Nature are evil so we become estranged and alienated from our natural state. That's why we have these unique problems with sex and gender where animals don't.

A lot of women with the wrong idea may call themselves feminists, but I think it's important to consider that feminism comes with some misguided stigmas... Don't let the ignorance of one tarnish the entire group.

Feminism is not entirely about equal pay. Try finding out the likes of andy murray that supports feminism. Why did he do that?

Sexism, harrasement is still exist nowadays. If it wasn't for feminism activist, women would have not give the right to vote even in western countries. You can check my post, I have write a history on feminism.

Feminism is not only for guys. Men can be a champion of it.

As for Andy Murray, you can check this link

"If it wasn't for feminism activist, women would have not give the right to vote even in western countries."

Citation needed.

Women were better off before the Rockefellers and whoever else funded feminism to lower their factory wages.

Only a brainwashed demographic could think that going from not having to work to having to work is somehow an advantage.

I get your point there. It is true. It is often the case of finding cheap labor especially in the past where education is expensive. Even in country with vast cheap labor now we can see it is being exploit. You did open my eye a bit.

In broad sense , inequality still exists. As i said it is not only in pay. People still think that way. Female friend of mine too. As the case of Andy murray I picked above showed that. Andy was criticized for selecting a female coach in industry where male is dominant.

Opportunity entering some proffession also always the case. Especially now. In the era of open knowledge and sharing. Women wants to work as an Engineer, men wants to work as a Tailor of women's attire. Feminism can goes both way.

Having said that. Here is the citation you need.




This is by far the longest comment I ever wrote. Nice to see you @lexiconical ! Steemit is by far better than troller from facebook where ideas is more to share than to troll without substance. Lol

You really can't argue with them. If you are a guy and you are right they will say mansplaining. If you are woman they will say internalized misogyny.

But you see, the woman's whole life is destroyed. She spent her best years trying to find a man, to get him to chase her, so that she could catch him... and then all of that effort (and lost years of good looks) is now gone to waste.

Him, he just died. Got out easy. No more cares. :-p

Maybe if women started working at being equal with men in work performance, than they wouldn't feel the need to catch a provider and tie him down. But that would be logical.

Haha, great comment.

Feminist: "Women earn less than men for doing exactly the same job."
Logic: "If women earn less than men for doing the exact same job, why don't those (greedy) capitalist pigs only hire women to save money?"

Women do earn less than men for doing exactly the same labour. Even 40 years after the equalities act in the UK, cases are still going through the courts where women have been systematically illegally underpaid for decades.

Employers tend not to employ women as a first choice because women frequently bear the brunt of domestic labour, childcare and caring responsibilities, not to mention gestation, birthing and confinement.

A man with a partner usually finds his unpaid domestic load lessened, while when a woman gets a partner, she is expected to contribute proportionately more domestic labour.

As such men are more able to take advantage of formal training opportunities, work late, bond with work colleagues (and the boss), which gets them seen in a more positive light, even nabbing the credit for womens work

Women work far more than men for less money and much of their labour is unpaid and unappreciated

Couldn't agree with you more.


i don't understand Western feminism at all. Feminism in my part of the world is entirely different. I am a man but I am a feminist. Right now, my fight for women is to make them able to stay at their homes during menstruations. Many communities in my country make women stay in isolated "huts" during their periods which I think is the deprivation of their basic rights. Feminism, sexism, gender roles are nothing but Western jingoism for me at the moment while I am trying to educate my own countrymen to allow some basic rights to women.
Please read my article on menstruation being a curse to Nepali women if you are really interested in some 3rd world feminism.

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This is my post could you help me?
Many thanks @srmit

Lol, thank you for saying my post is very good. But please stop posting this kind of bullshit under my posts again.

If you made a apropos comment about the actual post, then the author might click on your name to see what you have written. There is no need to waste everyone's screen space with your post links and your name. They are already available by clicking next to your avatar.

Comment spamming is not a good way to be successful here. You need to engage with people and that involves reading their posts and making relevant comments.

I hadn't seen that article about the feminist PhD student... the state of our "progressive" academic world is incredibly worrying.

Just checked your blog, some good stuff! Followed.

Thank you, @kernowek. I haven't written much lately, but I hope that the things I have written before are amusing. ;)