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Great post - driving is certainly rhythmic and entrancing once you're launched on a big journey.

Yeah I saw the meet up how was it with @aggroed and the other guys?

I thought it was pretty cool, had fun meeting all of them.

Letting go of fear is certainly my biggest obstacle.

I have to be mindful of my thoughts constantly so when I slip into fear I can recognise it and remember what will be will be.

I love it when I read I am not alone and others are consciously doing this - thank you 😁

We all have to remind ourselves sometimes.

Nice read.
The feeling and flow really communicated well.
The space between was a bit of a trip for me.
I have been stuck with that phrase the past few weeks.

The space between is space itself simply by existing. :)

Very Interesting writing
I love it this travel
I appreciate your life.....

the time of travelling you have to conscious about many things. otherwise there has to be rise many problem

This reminds me of my time playing music in the street. I just watched people as thoughts slowly left my mind but I was fully present. Eventually I'd lose my sense of self and just kind of blend with everything around me...funny how crazy amounts of money always came in when I maintained this for long enough...and funny how that often snapped me out of it.