The Time is Here...steemCreated with Sketch.

in philosophy •  6 years ago 

We have the means to do it at our disposal now, the 'thermite' for melting down the pyramid of tyranny enslaving even the ones atop...

Previous posts in this series:

#1, #2, #3, #4


Out of the drawer for today:

The Time is Here

the time has arrived
dear friends
for the devil
to have it's due

the time has arrived indeed
for us to uproot this weed
...for the sword of truth
to outsmart the sword of lies

the time has arrived yes
to know the devil for what it is
...this perverted manifestation
of that which shaped us

the time has arrived
to dissolve the pyramid of tyrrany
by giving those enslaved by it
the wings of freedom for free

the time has arrived
for the fruits of eden
to be within reach
of every single one of us

the time has arrrived yes
for the cycle to be completed
...for the love from above
to be the ultimate of tools

yes the time has arrived
for us to fully understand
how the evil of conflict is grinding us
and what goodwil in synergy can restore

the time has arrived indeed
to fully control this weed
so truth in freedom
can at last succeed

Thanks for reading!
- more to follow...



And do remember not to believe a word i say, unless it cannot be denied!

Images : Kudos to Paint X for providing the software!
Photos, if any : Own

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At moments, this poem feels religious, and at moments, it does not.

Knowing you are a good writer, I can only presume it was deliberate.

As insight deepens, it becomes clear that what earlier in life seemed like shallow minded beliefs in vague mythologies are in fact serious transliterations of ancient insights into humanized analogies of what really is at work in the universe and in us. Meditating on those mythologies for long enough in fact manifests those self same insights in your mind again - so the work of the writers of the ancient scripts was not in vain!

What I find enthralling is that what is happening right here in the cryptospace can literally place a key to freedom from the satanic pyramid of power we are all, mostly unwittingly, entrapped in, in the hands of every individual. That mundane act of providing a financial key to freedom for every individual, practically speaking places us back into a figurative 'Garden of Eden', or in a condition where each one of us in effect has ownership of our fair portion of the basic resources we need to survive on, the 'Fruits of Eden'.

Maybe that is what you picked up?


I do not have the same confidence in crypto currencies as you have.

For as long as we live in the world of those who control us, how can any kind of currency free us? All they have t do is create they have done, demanding you declare your crypto profits...and most people are now doing so, as the IRS (of each nation) has made laws demanding the platforms or gateways, or whatever they are called, that are used for transferring crypto or for making payments, have to provide the tax man with all data on their citizens.

I have been through this enthusiasm before, among those who thought that the web is going to free us; then, when that bubble collapsed, they saw freedom as existing thanks to the dark web (using Tor). The cia quickly disillusioned them.

Now, Rothschild banks are busy buying into crypto, which I assume explains why we've had such a major collapse. Once they feel they are in control, they will push up the values, so as to make a killing and also make the entry level for us more difficult.

Sorry, if I am popping your bubble, but to win, we must see the truth...

I will add something: yes, the web has helped the common man survive the globalists; yes, the dark web has helped, for it is expensive for them to monitor and track us there, so they only do if they realize a group is forming and it poses a danger to them.

In other words, we take five steps forward and then four back, but in nett effect, we are a little bit forward of where we were, it just does not feel that way, because the four steps backwards is always a shock to us.

May I give a little more hope my friend. I know what you are talking about. I have been battling with this problem from way before cryptos came into existence. And yes, the flickering of hope that the coming of Bitcoin and other cryptos brought was extinguished pretty soon for the very reasons you mention above.

What we need to devise is a completely independent decentralized facility, not connected to exchanges for transferring dollar wealth to crypto wealth, or the other way round, as that makes it vulnerable for financial attacks, exactly as we are experiencing now on the crypto market as a whole.

It needs to be something that exists on the internet, or the dark net, if need be, or on a net of it's own, should that be possible. It must be a closed market on which only living individuals can have accounts and can trade real goods and services, in a no more illegal fashion than next door neighbors can trade whatever they want to directly across the fence between them.

I have been a member of such a system, called The Cape Town Talent Exchange for twelve years now. It has only grown since I joined, spawning a number of equivalent systems world wide. Please have a look at it. You may be pleasantly surprised!

Trades are done in terms of it's own token called the Talent. The value of the Talent is protected by there being a limited number of tokens in circulation. I am not going to explain exactly how it works - I am sure you will enjoy investigating that yourself, should you be interested in finding out more about it. Point is, it works and it has been working just fine for more than a decade that I know of, no taxes, no interference from government, just enabling members to trade whatever the feel like trading, starting off with nothing more than an internet connection and registering on the system.

In spite of its success, the CTTE has a few drawbacks. It firstly runs on a local central server, serviced by a human. So do clones of it, wherever they may exist. Setting it up on a blockchain will spread the load and make it more secure.

The main drawback, however, from a total community perspective, is that the CTTE is only useful for actively productive people. And in order to break away from totalitarian control we have to create an independent economy like this, that includes the whole community. We can't leave the 60% non-productive sector of society consisting of the too young, the too old, the students and the disabled behind, to be used as leverage against us.

I am sure you can see where I am going at this point, so I think this will suffice for now. I hope following my past and future posts on this subject will bring more clarity on exactly how I think we can succeed in setting up a system like this.

I have spent quite a long time studying the site and was getting interested, and then I came across this:

New Feature: Share Offerings and Wants on Facebook and Twitter

That means I am out. I want nothing to do with either of them and refuse to be part of something which enables them to get info about me.

It is not governments anymore who are our great enemies. They are only the tools the globalists (Corporate Marxists) use to control us. That means, those corporates are our Prime enemies...and this marvellous liberating community idea gets greedy for growth and spreads out to the two of our worst enemies?

Agreed. I am all for independence of the individual - hence my drive for making every individual free by providing every individual with personal ownership of a personal means of survival.

Imagine every single individual, say age 16 and over, being the owner of a magic purse (wallet), that magically fills up every day with just enough to survive on, anywhere in the world. I believe this can really be done with the aid of the necessary software installed to run independently on a completely decentralized blockchain. The technology for this is there, it just needs to be done.

This will give every such individual freedom analogous to the freedom we can imagine individuals had in the garden of Eden, or if you like this analogy better, the freedom that every caveman had back in cave-dwelling days, where everyone had free access to the basic resources of nature, like water from the stream, fruit from the trees, a rabbit for the pot, etc.

So every individual with such a purse will be free to go where they want to and offer their service to their fellow men and earn more to fill their purses so they have more purchasing power than they need for the mere sake of survival. And these are the basics that constitute individual capitalism, which means the freedom to earn and to own what you like, as opposed to being a slaving cog between the wheels of corporate capitalism whre the power and the wealth belongs tot the boardroom.

CTTE is just an example proving that such an independent trading facility can indeed exist and function successfully.

This will also mean that no individual will have to work for a boss, so over time you will get no slaves and hence no masters and the empire will fall.

I know this may sound like a pipe dream and I know that seen from the outside like this, it will raise one heck of lot of questions. But having studied the principles involved and the opportunities offered quite intensely over the years, I do see some light at the other end of the tunnel.

Lets hope and pray my friend, that enough support for a project like this can be raised to make it work. I see no other way. Totalitarian socialism is out - it is no more than a giant prison with insipid bureaucrats as the wardens governed by arrogant ideologues who imagine themselves as gifted to control the lives of everyone else. And where did the bloody revolutions of the past centuries get us? - right back to square one in the masters and slaves game, with the masters just where want to be today. And let us not be fooled into thinking that democracy will save us. There is no such thing. The so called democracies presented to us as such today are no more that smoke-and-mirrors magician shows designed to put our spirits at rest with the illusion that the majority has decided what is best for all.

Freedom, Peace and Fulfillment in life for all!