The Adventures of PAILHEAD #1 - Kozyrev's Mirror

in philosophy •  8 years ago 


Internet vs Innernet

Yeah that's me sitting on my living room sofa with a pail on my head. As odd as it may seem there is a perfectly logical reason why I would do this which I will get to shortly.

The working premise of this blog is that I can pull myself out of the trance of my electronics, the internet, and quiet my mind sufficiently then I will come into contact with my own inner guidance system or innernet. I also believe it is my connection to my own inner self that will allow me to permanently escape from the matrix control system that is in effect on our planet. How this is done will be communicated as it happens.

It is after a long and arduous trek upon the path that I have reached this point. I have had many teachers in person and in print that I have to thank for my progress thus far.

Eckhart Tolle
William Bulhman
Thomas Campbell
Robert Monroe
Dan Millman
Rasputin (Gary Douglas)
Carlos Casteneda
Val Valerian
and many more...

At this point in my travels I occasionally get a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel and that is one reason why I have chosen to share the remainder of my journey.

The Adventures of Pailhead is a chronicle of my explorations and successes to connect with my own innernet and unplug from the matrix control system.

I hope you find it interesting at the least, and hopefully at times inspiring.

Kozyrev's Mirror

So what appears to be a pail on my head is actually a Kozyrev's Mirror. It's purpose is threefold. One, it cuts down on the amount of the electromagnetic soup we live in on a daily basis. Two, it also reduces the effect of earth's own magnetic field. And most importantly, three, it works as an echo chamber for our own biologically generated electromagnetic field. It has been referred to as an mechanical assist for out of body experiences. After reading that I thought I'd give it a try. I suppose you could also call it the Cadillac of tin foil hats. Anyway who cares, as long as it produces results!

After a couple of short meditation sessions with Kozyrev's Mirror in place I have to say there is a definite "loosening" effect. I could feel my energy moving from side to side during the sessions. The rest of the week I will be giving it some serious usage and I will report the result in the next edition of PAILHEAD.

So that's it for now. Upvote and follow if you are interested in this adventure.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Going to look into this. Interesting. Thanks.

Found this..

Thanks for sharing this video. I hadn't seen this one before.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I just nominated you for Steemvoter's guild award. I said you were a little shy and I'd like to see you get boost. The photo on this post says it all. :>)

Haha, thanks jiva, I appreciate it !