RE: A question about flat earth.

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A question about flat earth.

in philosophy •  8 years ago 

If you have not done the task yourself why would you believe in claims? People lie all the time on TV(ie. Brian Williams, NBC). There are also books about the Earth being flat, are they lying? Would you rather have questions that cannot be answered or answers that cannot be questioned? You might try questioning the Heliocentric Model before questioning the Flat Earth. For Example, what scientist and experiment proved the Earth was spinning(ie. Michelson/Morrely)? What scientist and experiment proved the Earth was spinning around the sun(ie. Aries failure)? Why do the stars spin around the North star(Polaris) and have so for as far as I remember(ie. seeing the same stars in the sky since you were born even though the Earth is spinning, moving around the sun, the sun is moving through the galaxy, and the galaxy is moving through the Universe)? If you were put in a prison cell or enclosure, would you not explore that enclosure to see if there was a way out? Or would Governments stop you from exploring that enclosure by limiting your travel(ie. Passports, Visas, Permits)? Answers will only come from within, if you allow yourself to question what you are told.

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