RE: Another word for "trust fund kid" is "gifted".

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Another word for "trust fund kid" is "gifted".

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

The role of a trust fund kid is to be an investor in the future (spend money wisely).

By the way you are completely right about the perception of "earned traits". People who are born with the traits to be able to be conscientious are the sort of people who are perceived as "hard working" but this conscientiousness is also a born gift just like any other talent. It's not something people create from reading a lot of books but is a personality trait which means it's part talent at least in my opinion.

I don't see conscientious people as somehow having earned their trait any more than a tall or short person earned theirs, or a person with a short temper earned theirs, it's just a trait. What matters is how they choose to use it. Also hard work or conscientiousness is actually a very common trait, but to be truly gifted at it simply means it came natural. Perhaps people who aren't born with the natural gift to be able to focus and be conscientious are earning it even more if they manage to overcome their natural state to achieve goals.

But do I think earning something vs being a gift matters? At the end of the day you control certain resources and your traits either are used well to your benefit and to the benefit of others or they aren't. A person born with grit, conscientiousness, high ability to deal with stress, all gifts which fit into the beauty standard of the current culture where the "hard worker" is valued but it 's still a beauty standard of the current culture and not of all cultures during all times in history.

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