in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

I present you this beautiful animation that tells us about passions and how they can control us.

Fox Tale.jpg

Wishes are something essential in our lives. They are like the compass that guides our steps, showing us the direction where we want to go. They let us choose between different options in all aspects of life. And its the wish to see them fulfilled, what moves our energy and makes possible to dedicate with enthusiasm and happiness to this activities we love.

But frequently, we experiment the confusion of believing that happiness depends on the completion of those desires, that convert then in attachments. And because we commit that error, we pay inevitably a high price: We experiment great frustration, and we push away the chance of feeling true happiness, and at the end, its probable that we do not get that we so much desired.

This video, shows two special friends that have a true desire of hunting together, but something unexpected makes the attachment, control them. I hope you enjoy it!


A fox tale from A Fox Tale on Vimeo.

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Where there is love there is life.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Big truth.