Beauty Or Intelligence?

in philosophy •  8 years ago  (edited)

I saw a post here on steemit awhile back which was about a discussion between beauty and intelligence, about which one was better. The post advocated for beauty over intelligence. But mine is going to tell you why I value intelligence over beauty.

It has been said that “beautiful people” have a much easier lifestyle than most in that it is assumed that it's easier for them to make friends, meet partners, and get high-paying get jobs as actors or models, because they are so good-looking. But let's talk about the shortcomings of the beautiful people

shall we?

Now first let me just say that I don't assume just because someone is good-looking that they are going to be a fool. In this discussion I am only referring to the distinction between choosing between which you'd rather invest in: beauty or intelligence. If you could choose more intelligence or more beauty, which would you go for? Which feature is more important and why.

There have been countless “beautiful people” who got rich quick and then lost their fortunes or had their lives end-up in a mess because they were too stupid to know what to do with their money or how to run their business.

The beautiful people (who aren't bright) need to hire intelligent people to tell them how to do their finances, to help them find homes to buy, to organize their business trips and vacations, to do their PR etc, so even beautiful people

need the value and service of an intelligent person in their life.

Beauty also offers a downside in that it can allow people to be taken advantage of by others, people not liking them for them but only liking them for what is on the surface. I find it less likely that an intelligent person is going to be taken advantage of (both physically and financially) in the same way. And most importantly

beauty fades.

Beauty can offer visual and physical consumption for others, but intelligence can offer so much more. Intelligence can save your life on the operating table after a car accident, it can fix your car when it breaks down, it can cook you a meal to enjoy, it can offer a myriad of services to others. Intelligence is the reason that you are enjoying so many things today right now in your home: cell-phone, computer, air-conditioning, television? Intelligence brought you these things.

If your only ticket in life is that you are beautiful, then I would say that you are going to need to cash-out on that ticket as quick as you can and hope that you don't do anything stupid to mess it up. Beauty can change at any time and it continually fades with time. But intelligence is quite different in that we essentially gain more and grow over time.

Unless of course we experience the onset of dementia or some other mentally-limiting illness. But unlike beauty, we don't ever have to worry about any surprise lobotomy attacks that might take away our standard of living. Whereas those who rely on their looks need to hope that they don't get any scars or get into any accidents that would mess up their meal ticket. If your personal value is based solely on your looks then imagine what a struggle it is for those individuals to maintain that sense of worth as they continue to age and they becoming perpetually displeased with the reflection they see staring back at them.

For these reasons I would choose intelligence every time.

Pics: Pixabay

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You can't fix stupid...

I agree, I mean they can't be totally hideous haha but Intelligence is certainly a sexy characteristic.

Some hilarious pics and clips in there, But yes, beauty face. I need someone I can have a conversation with that I'm also attracted too - no need for a 9 or 10 those girls are trouble!

A person I used to know said, "I will have a intelligent girl. I'd like to spend my money for her plastic surgery if she doesn't have enough beauty for me." It could be funny, or it couldn't.

There is different kinds of intelligence in my experience. Practical intelligence is my personal favorite, then there is arrogant intelligence which bludgeons anyone in its reach with thoughtless disdain. Intelligence, without wisdom can be harmful to others and the world at large.

The statistics on 'beautiful people' say that for those with the genes which meet 'societies beauty standards' have a better chance of moving up the economic ladder in society. Marrying up, better chances for higher education, better job opportunities, making the 'right' friends for advancement, etc. these are common benefits of beauty, particularly women, but men too to a lesser degree.

Now you put beauty with wise practical intelligence and that is a concoction for gathering the juicy fruit of life.......

intelligence for me is sexually attractive...

Good one!

I know you are discussing WHICH is better, but actually intelligence and beauty are likely correlated:

Also, your final argument doesn't make sense. It's just as possible for someone to get into an accident that damages their brain as one that damages their looks.

Finally, IQ and beauty are both largely determined by genetics, so IQ is not any more earned than looks, and if you judge someone for being stupid it's no different from judging them for being ugly. Either way you're judging them for something largely out of their control. Someone can study to try to increase their IQ, but this is much harder than learning to effectively use makeup or even getting plastic surgery. Furthermore, why do we judge people for trying to increase their beauty, but not for trying to increase their intelligence?

This is coming from a woman who never wears any makeup and considers herself average in appearance. I just like objectivity.

I'm pretty sure NONE of those are from Pixabay. But also, memes are so widely used (by definition), they generally fall into Public Domain. Good article!