Does your disagreement with something make that thing "fake"?

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Does your disagreement with something make that thing "fake"?

There is definitely a flood of truly "fake" news these days regardless of your political leanings. Yet, what makes something "fake"? Does disagreeing with the message make it fake?


So what makes it fake?

Reporting things as fact without evidence. Treating opinion as fact, without supporting evidence.

Treating logical fallacies such as appeal to authority, appeal to popularity, and appeal to tradition as though they prove something. They don't. They work well against people who haven't trained themselves to notice these fallacies. This means they work well against most of the population. That doesn't make it factual.

Another very popular logical fallacy these days is called the appeal to stone. This is the act of calling or implying something is ABSURD, or a NOTHING BURGER without any actual evidence to back this point of view other than opinion.

The Hypocrisy

If you would consider something factual if it is applied to someone you dislike, that doesn't make it any less factual when applied to someone you like.

If news and evidence against someone you view as an enemy is something you would consider credible when applied against them, then guess what? If that same news and evidence can be applied to someone you support or like it is still CREDIBLE.

Fake news can be hidden in the hypocrisy of damning someone for something UNLESS you like the person doing it.

If it is a crime, if there is evidence, then the fact is it doesn't matter whether it is enemy or friend. The evidence is the truth. The hypocrisy is in believing some people are above the law and others are not. The hypocrisy is in immediately dismissing any claim because you support someone, and latching onto any claim because you dislike someone.

Now just for clarification. Truth is subjective. Facts are not. The truth is your view of something based upon everything you know, and have perceived. At least that is the TRUTH within you. The rest of us call that an opinion. Most people when they state an opinion are stating the TRUTH as they know it.

A lie is when you don't believe what you are saying, but you say it anyway. So, a lot of the people being called liars, or things stated as being lies are NOT actually either of those things. The person has to be knowingly speaking against what they perceive as the truth for it to be a lie.

A person speaking from ignorance or naivete can be WRONG, but they are not lying.

We all do this. We can only work with what each of us know. We can hopefully learn more. If we don't think we are infallible at least. Thinking we already know everything shuts the door on learning.

What about facts. Facts are the objective things. "The window is broken" If you can look at the window and see it is broken then that is factual. The truth is what someone will try to tell you when you say "Why was the window broken?".

You'll state the motivation if you were the one who broke it, or you'll speculate/guess as to the motivation of the person that broke it. Your speculations could be wrong.

Does that mean it is fake?


So what is "fake news"?

Perhaps intentionally editing things and presenting them out of context?

Perhaps saying someone said something, that they didn't?

Perhaps taking accusations as FACT and CASE OVER without treating a person as "innocent until PROVEN guilty?"

One thing that is fact.

If you disagree with something someone says, even if you REALLY don't like it, that doesn't mean it is fake.

Reality doesn't care one bit about our opinions.

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I feel like a lot of people have a lack of critical thinking and they just absorb all info as is without any efforts to think about and make their own conclusions.

We are in a time where NO EFFORT is considered GOOD by the majority of the population. Especially when it comes to thinking for themselves.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is so normie. The truth is that more than half of the history we were taught in school was all lies. when one looks at who runs media in the West, it is easy to see why we are all constantly hit with a sort of physiological terror. 95% of the media hierarchy consists of Jews who have worked for the last 1000 years to subvert Western Civilization. probably, even longer than that. The fakest news ever created is the myth of the holohoax. This is a lie that every child is hit over the head with on a daily basis, and it never stops. The holohoax has become a religion of sorts, and it is disgusting AF.

I don't buy into the "Jews did it" speech myself. If you want to say the "Zionists did it" who are a subset of Jews, and even have non-Jews in their membership now then that is more plausible. Yet it is like pointing out one bad actor and ignoring the rest. There are a lot of power seekers and manipulators from all cultures. They rise from nasty human nature issues that reside inside of people. So it is far more complicated than the Jews did it.

I have seen no indicators that the Holocaust didn't happen. However, I am annoyed by the fact that all of these socialist, communist, marxist fans will bash Nazis and mention the holocaust while ignoring the fact that the deaths at the feet of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao during the same time period dwarf the number of deaths in the holocaust by a large degree. U.S.S.R. and Communism was larger than the holocaust in terms of deaths. China and Mao were even larger than that.

This is what happens when the people that say "evil capitalism" are so fixated on monopolies and bad things in the "capitalism" so they institute a system wide monopoly. They seem to think that the government because it is "public" is better than private. I suppose this is why the richest man in the world "Jeff Bezos" and other very wealthy people in the U.S. are constantly pushing the leftist, socialist, and marxist agendas in the U.S. If that happens who do you think will actually be in charge? They will... so they can use the label Private or Public all they want, yet mostly those words are just smokescreens and people should pay a lot more attention to actions and outcomes. Learn your history, and continually practice critical thinking. You can't master critical thinking from a class. That is like stepping into the wading pool. It will expose you to it. The rest is up to you and is a never ending journey.

The holocaust absolutely did not happen. It is a lie that has turned into a religion. Look at how many holohoax memorials there are all across the world. Our children are programed to feel guilt about it during their entire education. The holohoax is the one single thing that can never be questioned, and in Europe doing so will land you in prison. Only a lie would need a law to protect it. It's disgusting the way elderly Europeans have been jailed for stating the truth. The allies are responsible for 80% of the deaths during WWII, and deliberately targeted civilians including many French and other supposed allies.

The media and Hollywood consist of 99% Jews who work diligently to push harmful ideas on Western Civilization. jews are over represented in almost every singe institution. Jews created Bolshevism, and the Bolshevik revolution was funded by Jewish American Capitalists. Trotsky, a Jew, was responsible for the deaths of millions of White Christians, and he is where the intellectual segment of the Neo Conservativism sprang from.

I'm all for entrepreneurship, but large corporations are being used to stifle free speech, and a whole host of other rights. What happens when we have driverless cars, and the company providing them decides it doesn't like your politics, and refuses you service. Companies like twitter and facebook do these types of things all the time. corporate monopolies will have much more power to control us than even the government in the near future, and will not have any restrictions in doing so. We are walking straight into a tyrannical system that will permanently enslave us all if we don't do something to stop it immediately.

Fully agree with you on that - even on Steemit not many people will call out the fake holocaust...

Here is a bit of back up from my website:

Red Cross exposes “Jewish” Holocaust Hoax: International Red Cross (IRC) document confirms 271 thousand not 6 million died in concentration camps.

Thank you for the info

one thing you didn't consider..
the monkeysphere

The hypocrisy is in believing some people are above the law and others are not.
it's not hypocrisy. US...we..those within the sphere delinated by my Dunbar's number, my tribe, my family, my it what you will...are only bound by rules WITHIN the sphere....

when interacting with THEM...those outside...all bets are off.

The rules change at the interface.

NOW...I know you're gonna say..
"that's not logical"...
and you are correct.'s hardwired into our brains..
US..vs's part of the underlying mental operating system
logic not required.

What are you suggesting?

basic hardwired programming of the brain?

Visitor vs Home.... yeah false dichotomies all over the place. They like us that way too... easier to manipulate.



As my dad always said "Who are they, and what do they want?"



The fakest of fake news: News made up by the news agency and reported as real. Such as CNN has been caught doing several times.

Yeah their greenscreen shenanegans and multiple people being interviewed in same parking lot being treated as between the U.S. and UK. Having 10 protestors in a little area and making it out to be some giant protest with camera work. :)

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:How to spot fugazi news

Interesting, yesterday I tore into some typical fake news to show how they do it here

I agree with you that if you disagree with what someone says,even if you dont like it,it doesn't mean its fake.

Fact has little to do with how people make decisions. If you repeat anything long enough, people will believe it. And they will take actions based on it. The only way to not lose is to repeat the fact at least as much as falsehood is said.

This is indeed one of the main tools of propaganda and the Nazi's are often quoted as reporting what you just described, though they didn't bother with the bit about how to counter it.

Your post is very interesting for all of us, thank you form

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Now here's the thing. There is Opinion (based on your thoughts) and News (Based on facts). So, the combination of the two could create many differnt points of view and that is not wrong, but only if you can apart facts from personal opinions. That's the challenge.

It is true that there are people spreading straight lies as facts, but that (fake news) is easy to dismount. But get to the real facts thru personal views of others, that's the real challenge.

Another very popular logical fallacy these days is called the appeal to stone.

The appeal to stone is usually hitched to the back of a genetic fallacy.

Eg,: "It came from

so pfft."

I've seen this form of the genetic fallacy more than once.

Yep... "Infowars? I don't even need to read this if it came from infowars. It's fake."

Disagreement with news doesn't make it fake. It's impossible to be neutral in this World. Being neutral as a human means you are no more alive. only dead person can be neutral. lets come to the topic news is fake when it has no authenticity and no proof, like mostly rumors are fake.

There are some things that can be used to ween out a lot of the "fake" stuff. It may miss the occasional not fake, but that'd likely be rare.

Does it start with...

"Some people say..."

"Anonymous sources say..."

"Celebrity X says..."

Yes you picked excellent examples
Some people say, celebrity say etc, but people of this era are wise enough to know that these are useless news until and unless veriified by the concerned person

Only those of us that have taken time to shut off the TV, think for ourselves, etc.

There are still large portions of our population that drink that koolaid every day like a ritual.

Yes you are right, Majority of people rely on news without thinking it's right or fake. Seeing is believing, and media is expert in manipulating things for their advantage.

It seems like we truly live in an age of deception like never before. So much information and it is very difficult to figure out what is real and what is fake. I stopped watch mainstream media a while ago and limit my alternative media and take it with a grain of salt. Facts are facts but I believe people create their own realities.

I try to take from EVERY direction I can find (thus why I started the @newsagg account) and do a triangulation type effect. Even then I treat no people, or organization as an infallible authority. I always think for myself, and if I can I do research on things I have questions about.

I also try to strengthen my critical thinking. It is not something you can just learn from a class. It takes a lot to internalize and non-stop practice. We can never master it, we can only get better at it.

The era of ism's, ist's and postmodernist definitions is on the wane, I feel.

Facts are entering the arena, and they are very uncomfortable for those brainwashed with BS for the last 50 years....

fake news is not good for society

These false news were created to unnecessary confusion among the people.

Yes, but how do you know what is false and what is not? The truth as I see it is that people tend to focus on whether they like what they hear or not. If it supports their personal agenda it is true, if it does not then they are false. No evidence checking required.

Just checking the facts. Doing research will do. Now there's lots of people who believe everything they want to believe.


I agree.

upvoted and
resteemit done dear....

I don't see an up vote.

That's funny. Nice catch.

Everytime I see this site it makes me think "what would @dwinblood make of this?"

No - don't worry it's not my site, I have the odd disagreement with them, but I kinda love it!