The Brave New World Is HERE! Scientists Weighing The Increase Of Lithium In Tap Water

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

We have entered a 'Brave New World' that is turning science against humans.   

Those who missed my previous blog dedicated to the "Brave New World Is HERE!" series are seriously encouraged to read  Scientists Will do Whatever It Takes To Protect Their Paychecks. 

This 1st blog of the series has an eerie similarity with this one: in both scientists make claims that are very suspect because of their conclusions. In the 1st blog, scientists claim  that oxytocin is a hormone naturally released in the blood, then here below scientists assert that lithium is naturally found in water. "Naturally" IS the key word here, which helps scientists commit unethical suggestions, that may be implemented soon -- or already are! 

INTRO: We have entered a 'Brave New World' that is turning science against  humans. We do not have that much time left before the realization that  humanity is being farmed becomes completely blatant. There is no time to  mince our words anymore. Most scientists have embraced scientism, which  means science without its 'spiritual or metaphysical' component. The  world is falling off the cliff because science has promoted the concept  that Man stands above Nature, while in fact Man and Nature are  complementary and destined to co-create. For the very same reason, our  civilization is destroying Nature at a pace like unseen before,  especially since the industrialization era.  Therefore scientists are  about to become a threat to Humanity.   Materialism is the nemesis of science as a whole because monetarism  is about power and domination. The only upside of materialism is that it  teaches us as how to let it go and it can pave the way for a more  spirituality driven society.  By spirituality it is meant Natural Laws,  laws that humans cannot bend and not depending on moral relativism.  A  future blog will address that in details. So stay tuned! 

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT: Isn't it bizarre to cite the number of 666,000? 666? Is it just a coincidence? Or is it the secret code of  "something in the work" devoid of any good intent? Beside please read on to discover the scientific ramifications between all these articles, and you will see that the so-called experts are on the side of destruction.  If lithia mineral spring water is rare... so or could it be considered a common occurrence to start with? 

BIG EYE OPENER ON WIKIPEDIA: Lithia water is defined as a type of mineral water characterized by the  presence of lithium salts. Natural lithia mineral spring waters are rare  and there are few commercially bottled lithia water products.  One of the first commercially sold lithia waters in the United States was bottled at Lithia Springs, Georgia in 1888.[3]  During this era there was such a demand for lithia water that there was  a proliferation of bottled lithia water products, however only a few  were natural lithia spring waters. Most of the bottled lithia water  brands added lithium bicarbonate to spring water and called it lithia  water. With the advent of World War I and the formation of the new US  government food safety agency, mineral water bottlers were under  scrutiny. The new agency posted large fines against mineral water  bottlers for mislabeled, misrepresented, and adulterated products.[4]  These government actions and their publicity along with public works  that made clean tap water readily accessible caused the American public  to lose confidence and interest in bottled mineral water.[4]

EARTH CUSTODIAN COMMENT: So here goes the deception.... and from there many other ones as you will see. 

Lithium in tap water may cut dementia

24 August 2017  | ‘People  with higher levels of lithium in their drinking water appear  to have a  lower risk of developing dementia, say researchers in Denmark.  Dr David Reynolds, from the charity Alzheimer's Research UK, said:  "It is potentially exciting that low doses of a drug already available  in the clinic could help limit the number of people who develop  dementia. "[Our analysis] suggests that a treatment that could  delay dementia by just five years would mean that 666,000 fewer people  develop dementia by 2050 [in the UK].".....  "Nonetheless, this is an interesting result that will prompt more  research into whether lithium levels in the diet or drinking water may  modify risk of dementia

 Should We All Take a Bit of Lithium?

 09/2014 |  THE  idea of putting a mind-altering drug in the drinking water is the stuff  of sci-fi, terrorist plots and totalitarian governments. Considering  the outcry that occurred when putting fluoride in the water was first  proposed, one can only imagine the furor that would ensue if such a  thing were ever suggested.The  debate, however, is moot. It’s a done deal. Mother Nature has already  put a psychotropic drug in the drinking water, and that drug is lithium.  Although this fact has been largely ignored for over half a century, it  appears to have important medical implications. .........   The scientific story of lithium’s role in normal development  and health began unfolding in the 1970s. Studies at that time found  that animals that consumed diets with minimal lithium had higher  mortality rates, as well as abnormalities of reproduction and behavior. Researchers  began to ask whether low levels of lithium might correlate with poor  behavioral outcomes in humans. In 1990, a study was published looking at  27 Texas counties with a variety of lithium levels in their water. The  authors discovered that people whose water had the least amount of  lithium had significantly greater levels of suicide, homicide and rape  than the people whose water had the higher levels of lithium. The group  whose water had the highest lithium level had nearly 40 percent fewer  suicides than that with the lowest lithium level. MORE:

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT: All so deja-vu again! 

Is lithium the next fluoride? Medication may be added to the water supply

May 31, 2011 |  (NaturalNews) Lithium, the psychiatric drug prescribed for depression,  mania and bipolar disorder, is now being viewed as the new fluoride by  some experts. These experts are calling for the addition of lithium to  the water supply as a cure-all for social problems, including suicide,  violent crime and drug use.....  Lithium is the new fluoride. Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer, who published  the first paper in 1989 connecting lithium in water supplies to a  decrease in certain undesirable social behaviors, became interested in  lithium after growing up next to a "miracle spring" in Franzensbad,  Czechoslovakia. This lithium-containing spring was alleged to moderate  the temperaments of women in particular. For centuries, people  worldwide have been attracted to springs like these for their calming  benefits, and scientists have since found the benefits to be credited to  unusually high natural lithium levels........  Of course this is how the  addition of fluoride to the water supply came about. It was discovered  that people with "Colorado Brown Stain" or "Texas Teeth", names that  described a mottling and staining of the tooth enamel (, lived in areas in Colorado and Texas that had higher naturally occurring levels of fluoride (  It was believed that the naturally occurring fluoride in the water made  the enamel of the teeth harder and more resistant to cavities, so it  was suggested that fluoride be distributed through the water supply to benefit public health ( MORE:

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT: how about considering the use of plastic bottles  -- plastic anything -- as a major cause contributing to the spike of dementia and Alzheimer? That is all good for BigPharma and their cohorts of scientists though. So much for the invention of plastic!

24,000 chemicals wrecking our bodies havoc  

Several companies have stopped using BPA in plastic production due to  consumer outrage, but just because a plastic container says it is “BPA  Free” doesn’t mean it’s free of potentially harmful chemicals. As a matter of fact, recent research  out of Germany indicates there are more than 24,000 of such chemicals  in any given bottle of water—with some of them causing serious  hormone-disrupting effects.  According to the story from Goethe University Frankfort, the  researchers tested 18 different bottled water products in an effort to  look for endocrine disrupting chemicals, or EDCs. They found far more than expected, identifying 24,520 different chemicals in their testing.  After isolating the chemicals and determining their impact on the body,  the researchers narrowed down those with anti-estrogenic properties to  one: DEHF or di(2-ethylhexyl) fumarate. This finding was of major  concern. Out of the 18 different bottled water products, 13 had “significant”  anti-estrogenic activity, and 16 out of 18 inhibited the body’s androgen  receptors by 90%. In other words, the bottled water was largely  wrecking havoc on the human body. Read more: 

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT: Making a killing, there is no such a thing as the sky is the limit when profits are involved, right?  

The Bottled Water Industry Scam 

 The bottled water industry created the greatest deception since the  tobacco industry in the 1950’s. Similar to how the tobacco industry  spent millions on “false” advertising, the bottled water industry spends  billions each year to make you think you need their “pure” water. To  make matters worse, the water their selling you for a premium price is  often tap water!  The worst part?   Close to HALF of all bottled water is municipal tap water!  It is obvious that most people are unaware of this, or bottled water  sales would face a MASSIVE decline immediately. Bottled water  manufacturers claim that they are simply responding to consumer demand,  and that people want to buy the tap water. This may be true, but in what  universe are the companies not responsible for creating such demand  that no one would actually come up with on their own?................ Is it really worth destroying the planet over? Humans  thrive on the quality of the world we live in. Plastic and bottled water  has become a main culprit in lessening the quality of the world we live  in. Nature is suffering at the expense of what can’t even be considered  to be anything more than a small amount of convenience. Bottled water  provides a source of water for traveling purposes at best. But at what  earthly costs?  

  • 1.5 million tons of plastic are used to bottle water annually
  • The U.S. uses 1.5 million barrels of oil for plastic water bottle manufacturing
  • People in the U.S. spend about half a billion dollars ($500,000,000) every week on bottled water
  • 1,500 bottles are thrown away every secon
  • 4 billion pounds of PET plastic bottles end up in landfills or as  roadside litter. Much of the rest are incinerated while releasing  chemicals into the air. And others end up in the ocean where they slowly  disintegrate into our water.
  • Bottled water takes approximately 2000 time more energy to produce than an equivalent amount of tap water

Read more: 

EARTH CUSTODIANS COMMENT: At the end of the day we all have been taken for a ride. Let's admit it. Profits are now destroying the environment and it is the pretty much about the same about almost anything else we consume. For example, a few months ago, the  FDA Bans 19 Chemicals Used In Antibacterial Soaps (09/2016) because the latter end up in our rivers and killing bacteria essential to Nature's equilibrium.  

As we can see again health and speculation are NOT bedfellows. The medical field should be the most humble of all.  But one thing is certain: such a matter should provoke an outcry. What is happening is precisely happening because profits is scientists' only motives, and that of the corporations that hire them. 

An inner revolution is needed and fast! The real change comes from within and money has shown its shortcomings, would it be gold, fiat and as we'll see cryptocurrencies.  Vital Information for Crypto-hunters... What Ron Paul On Dollarvigilante Did Not Say. There is NOT enough money in the whole world to address the damage we have done to Nature.  

Sad: Humans Have Created 9 Billion Tons of Plastic in 67 Years 

Here's How Much Plastic Trash Is Littering the Earth

There is plastic in every major ocean basin on Earth.   In 1950, plastic was a rarity. Today, plastic is everywhere – in our  homes, cars, streets, landfills, and oceans. Scientists recently  calculated how much plastic humans have produced since that year, and  the conclusion is mind-boggling: 9 billion tons, or 8.3 billion metric tons. [1] Read more:

READ MORE: The 'Inner Revolution' Series (2) : Appetite For Destruction And Death By Plastic  

Please scroll down and check out  the other blogs about  our dystopian future,  and keep doing your home work, find out for  yourself.  The  truth is out  there, really! Keep always in mind that  there only is  ONE AND SOLE conspiracy, that of knowledge vs ignorance,  and which translates in many flavors and fashions. The Earth Custodians is not a "bad news blog" as it promotes a different way of thinking to address any current human crises. We cannot resolve the problem with the same mindset that created it. 


Living Geometry Does Matter Because It Represents The Building Blocks of Life! |  The 'Inner Revolution' Series (2) : Appetite For Destruction And Death By Plastic| Psychiatry On Its Death Bed: How 800 children as young as 10 have been given sex change drugs  | Strong  AI, Micro Wave techonlogy And High Health Risks of 5G |  What Happens When Materialism Hijacks And Betrays Our Minds | Part 2 Of The Freedom Series  |  Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization #2 | Psychiatry On Its Death Bed: How 800 children as young as 10 have been given sex change drugs | The 'Inner Revolution' Series: Deluge Of Chemical Pollutants Is  Annihilating Us | The AI Paradox: You will get "chipped". It’s Just A Matter Of Time And The Medically-Enhanced New Breed |  The Monetary Paradox: Blood Inc, The Next Booming Market ?The super rich are injecting blood from teenagers 

Ready to accept that materialism must be let go and for 'mindset transitioning' ? Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization

Human emotions being ruled by physics, Earth Custodians call  for   the adoption of a different  way of  thinking to promote  conflict    resolutions. Different but not new, because  such concepts    were  already  debated  two thousands years ago: they are keys to grasp    the    unhealthy  mechanics driving people's need  for power    structures,   and  as how to overcome them as well. Mainstream   Psychology is on its    death bed.  Yes, it is possible to see way ahead   of the curve, and  if  it takes one generation for a money-free society   to take shape,  that  shouldn't prevent anyone from taking action, and  using money to  spread  the word until a critical mass (20% of   population) is  reached.  Please do not hesitate to visit our website and forum  

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

thanks, hope you help spread the word!

Yep, plastic bottles will disappear if there was no money. Such far reaching genius! Makes perfect sense too! :)

you say whatever, it is PROFIT the problem... which is why plastic got so much attention in the first place. Had the world had scientists co-creating with Nature, that would have not happened. A society based on profit ends up committing suicide, because it neglects both: human and environmental costs. The average quality of life didnt go up when looking at the FULL picture. It was all a mirage. There is not enough money to fix the mess caused by consumption and planned obsolescence.

money and profit are bedfellows. Yeah I know, we all have to die, what you told me several days ago.

Profit is a market signal that you are creating something efficiently. How you gonna decide which is the best way to make something if you don't gain or lose in the process?

you make me smile, I am going to post more blogs like this, showing that the planet is close to being beyond repair due to profit seeking... different?

did you read the blog: appetite for destruction, the disasters of overfishing? 100 million sharks killed yearly... Krill is too about to become the next market boom. LOL

The oceans are over fished BECAUSE no one owns them. It is the tragedy of the commons.

follow the money and consumer brainwashing

no one owns them

Nobody owns Earth, SHE owns us. There lies your metaphysical element, Natural Law that man cannot bend. She owns and gives away for free. And our duty is to understand this or go extinct. Owning earth is the more senseless paradigm, and we are going to pay for that.

Go and advocate for more privatization. earth is sick of it, we have privatized everything including human DNA.

I think you'd better go chat with other crypomaniacs

The earth is not a sentient, intelligent being. It doesn't think. It doesn't feel. It can own nothing. Thinking that it is, is literally insane.

When you own something, you take care of it.

Insane? not sentient? You cannot take care of anything is you do not know how it works.

If you can feel as an alive body, anything alive can, at a different level of awareness. The awareness designed by its state of aliveness.

And you are clueless and mindless atheist for not being able to grasp this.

EVERYTHING ALIVE is sentient. Every cell is sentient because it KNOWS how to react in its environment. Every cell has a code embedded by the mechanisms of Consciousness. Man didnt create such codes, codes are natural laws, which he cannot bend. And when scientists try to bend them, they usher destruction: just like this so-called wonderful plastic invention. Plastic is an alien material to Earth. And that is why we cannot recycle it without causing more pollution. Same with nuclear waste. Most scientists are criminals.

Time to get real. It is not about owning earth but being aware of HOW NATURAL LAWS work. 4000 years ago, this was already known!

you are just an mindless atheist, life just came out of the blue, by accident? LOL That is what happens when one has little spiritual understanding. Science is destroying humanity.

this blog is not for people like you. It is for people who can grasp that materialism and spirituality are two sides of the same coin

My last reply to you. You are not welcome here. I cannot believe that I have put up with you for so long, but now it is clear that you dont have the awareness to read what is posted here, so what is the point.

I will never answer anything you post on here ever again. You are now talking with yourself

You also need to have prices to determine if you are doing things efficiently. And to have prices, you need a money currency. Without money to signal costs and rewards, civilization would collapse.

society would collapse... it is either FORCED collapse because Nature cannot take it anymore... or the market forces, scarcity.... or our own choice and restart from scratch. I choose #3.

you make me think of the too big too fail.... well we must save them otherwise we'd have a market crash... 57 trillion in new debt to keep the system afloat since the 2008 crisis. And you advocate more of the same? Give me a break :)

Nature is not a sentient, intelligent being. It doesn't decide on what it can take.

I disagree with too big to fail. Anyone telling you they are too big to fail is too big to survive.

I agree that all the debt our socialistic system is racking up will eventually lead to its downfall. And it will be ugly. Look to Venezuela to see our future.

does not decide what it can take? You'd better know otherwise you end up committing suicide. Earth and Man are mirrors of one another. No respect for Earth, means that Man becomes a danger for himself. Shows how stupid scientists are -- and people who believe them. Its impossible to take care of earth when money is designed to exploit LIFE and human labor, extract the last penny from earth for profit.

Wars and owning earth... and now we have AI weaponry (created by mindless scientists) all over the globe. LOL

Like I said, my last reply to you. Your lack of awareness is beyond astounding