The (Deadly) Struggle Of The Polarized Self In The Perpetually Creating Unverse (Part 3)

in philosophy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Many find the concept and the reality of Natural Laws a real headache because they feel like they may lose the power over their thoughts, actually, quite the contrary happens once we endorse them: there is a sense of security developing within, which thus induce a pleasant feeling. Walking with the Universe makes one discover an incredible mental strength that comes along with the loss of irrational fear. Some fear has to exist as we need to sense and see dangers. By irrational fears it is essentially meant, fears that blind to the Truth.  

Manly  P. Hall lecture  (Obeying Universal Laws Can Be a Pleasant Experience)  


  3. The Principle of Vibration and  5. The Principle of Rhythm.  

The Principle of Rhythm (or Pendulum) is inherent  to that of Vibration.  However, both has been already expounded on in previous blogs as it is the metaphysical foundation of The Earth Custodians Movement, and whose link appears in the mission statement below. 

4. The Principle of Polarity.

Although the 7 Principles become deadly when not mastered, here comes the most lethal of all: Polarity, which first translates into any "social divide and rule", such as the right vs the left in politics and the main drive behind just any war. 

But why is the Principle Of Polarity so dangerous when ignored? 

Because it is at the core of the separation between Matter and Spirit manifested by the Cosmic Abandonment experienced at the moment of birth,  that comes along with the separation from the womb: the baby no longer is one with his mother. This fear (of being) has deep ramifications into the human psyche, and makes it very easily prone to external manipulation. Let's look around and admit it, society is deeply polarized. Group think and cliques of all kinds are very fond of the motto: if you are not with us, you are against us.  They all are pushing the world toward the precipice!

The area in which The Principle of Polarity is perhaps the most acute is sexuality, because of the Male and Feminine Principles merge during intercourse and tend to increase a polarized perceptions about the relationship, which is often called "passion".  That is precisely why passion rarely/never ends well. We should question and resist this new trend of "gender neutral" as it is meant to confuse about one's identity further (on purpose). More will be said about it in the next chapter when tackling the Principle of Gender. 

Polarity, when not understood, causes subjectivity and induces moral relativism, which is the major reason for our planetary ills since ever. Dualism is the philosophical interpretation of Polarity. Falling into the trap of dualism is like wandering a maze because everything has a dual interpretation and is divisible ad infinitum!  This will bankrupt mainstream philosophy and psychology eventually. 

Dualism ceases as soon as the Principles of Correspondence and Mentalism are recognized, both are essential to reconcile the paradoxes generated by Polarity. More positively, without the The Principle Of Polarity, we would not be able to see that the whole is one and otherwise, nor that micro and macro are identical. Without Polarity (found in magnetism and holding atoms and the Universe together) Life would not exist and Man would not be able to understand the inherent problem with coercion.  This means that if failing to understand all this, life will continue to generate negative side-effects exponentially. We are witnessing today the logical outcome when oblivious to the Divine Forces ruling over all life within this perpetually Creating Universe (to be continued)  


The Mind And Quest For Truth In The Perpetually Creating Universe (Part 2)  |   Patenting Knowledge In The Perpetually Creating Universe (Part1) |  When Conformity Quantifies Happiness. No Illusion Greater Than Fear & Objectivity As Remedy | The Future Is Now: How Can The Processing Of Fear Lead To Peace and Enlightenment  |  Reality Is Realistic: The Holy Secret Of The DNA And The Intergalactic Battle To Control It |  Reality Is Realistic: The 'Intelligent Design' Is Mathematically Provable |  Reality Is Realistic: Humanity Seems Unable To Embrace The Truth About The Unsustainability Of Human Civilization |  Reality Is Realistic: Truth Is A Destroyer (part 1) |  Booms and Busts Of Sex Lives And Why You Were Not Told This! | and more   

The Earth Custodians will always provide content that shakes  minds and requiring the readers to do some homework because Truth is  exposed everywhere and that no content is fully original, moreover  one  cannot resolve the issues with the mindset that created them. Yes, it is  possible to see way ahead of the curve, and  if it takes one generation  for a money-free society to take shape, that shouldn't prevent anyone  from taking action, and using money strictly for online advertising  until a critical  mass  (20% of population) is reached. The metaphysics  of  the Earth   Custodians  Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration  

Thank you in advance for following, upvoting, resteeming, help spread the aims of the Earth    Custodians and don't forget to continue your own research!

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I want to know whether the principal of polarity is based on the theory of relativity.

The principle of polarity is based the first and uniting principle "The mind is all and everything is mental"

I don't think so but electricity/electromagnetism. I'd say that the theory of relativity is based on electromagnetism

But if you are interested in physics, look for the Electric Universe theory. See my blog as a good starter:

Have you heard of the Principle of Hypocrisy? It is one of the basic Laws of the Universe. It means that complaining about something while attempting to collect it invalidates the argument.

You know, kind of like you complaining about money, and blaming all bad things that happen in the universe on money; yet trying to get some profits on your posts that complain about money. lolz

If you had one shred of integrity, you would click the little decline payment option before you post. But you don't have any, you are just grubbing for money.