Let Go of Your Worries, and You Shall Live Happily Ever After

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Forging Friendship is easily said than done. Who doesn't want a good company? However, we tend to worry that we may be too weird for others. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. 

Craving for social acceptance can be quite stressful and worse, despair. The complications of worrying too much. If you have done your best to bring out your honest self but yet not being accepted, why try too hard? 

Perhaps you may worry that someone doesn't like the way you are, or maybe the things you said has agitated them to unfriend you. Does it matter?

As the saying goes:

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” ― Bernard M. Baruch

Indeed, for those who accepted you for who you are, you have found your pack. It is somewhat easier for you as it saved up your time to filter those who don't matter to you, don't you think?

So let it go. Don't try too hard. If a friendship were meant to last, one another would find time to attend on what's matter. If it doesn't, just move on.

Let go of your worries and you shall live happily ever after.

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Your vibe determines your tribe :)

Yeah. Agreed =)

I personally have spent growing up trying too hard to fit in. Growing up, I've always been the odd one out. I've learned to love myself so much more since.

I truly cherish what small circle of friends i have left that stuck with me till today, this post made me smile :) Thank you

I’m glad it made you smile=)

Good job!
Wrote something about rewiring the brain yesterday.
Happiness is the most important thing in life anyway and everyone not being happy is the real drama!

There are some people who are really in trouble that needs help and there are some who are just a plain drama person. I tend to walk away from the latter. =) Happiness is about making yourself grow and helping others in need in the process ;)