What Does Political Correctness Do?

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Political Correctness is forced upon people in our society more and more every day, and all it does is narrow the range of acceptable thoughts and discourse. As a society every year ideas are transformed into somehow being unacceptable in everyday conversation, and anyone who wants to discuss those ideas is shamed, humiliated, or otherwise branded as a bigot before being able to defend themselves.

We do not need an out of control code of conduct that condemns and ridicules people for expressing any opinion that deviates from this code.

If something is said that isn't "acceptable," then the person who said it is attacked, humiliated, and ridiculed while their argument is ignored and forgotten. Political Correctness is a thought free, logic free, and emotionally charged way to easily get out of any argument or discussion.

A weak idea is an idea that you aren't allowed to talk about.

"That's when you know something's bullshit, when you're not allowed to talk about it." - Joe Rogan

In all seriousness if an idea is so fragile that society can't be allowed to discuss it freely, than it shouldn't be forced upon that society. To tell everyone to ignore every idea that contradicts this code of conduct is to effectively mandate that the population remain ignorant about the issues surrounding the idea, and to shame and disarm anyone who has a opposing point of view.

Re-branding a problem doesn't make it disappear.

"I'm not so sure silencing people or forcing them to alter their speech is the best method for solving problems that go much deeper than speech." - George Carlin

Every year a new word or idea is made taboo to discuss, and it becomes shameful to discuss the word or idea in public. Euphemisms are created to re-brand the issue and create a guilt-free, yet heavily restricted way of discussing it.

The main problem with this is that the range of discussion surrounding the issue is confined within a small set of "acceptable" ideas, and any new ideas or thoughts can be easily attacked as being bigoted in some way. Everyone becomes afraid to discuss important issues because they don't want to be seen as a sexist, as racist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, a nazi, or any other toxic social stigma tossed around far too easily now days. 

 The problem at the root of many issues will not be affected at all by changing the way the problem is referred to in everyday speech. The only thing effectively done is that it allows anyone to attack people who cross the invisible line and propagate some inherently flawed political agenda.

Political Correctness makes any criticism an attack.

"The whole point about humor is that all comedy is critical. If you start saying we musn't criticize or offend them, then humor is gone, and with humor goes a sense of proportion. Then, as far as I'm concerned, your living in 1984." - John Cleese

It seems like a good idea, but then it takes a huge left turn. In the beginning being politically correct was about  sticking up for people who cant stick up for themselves, but now it makes out any criticism to be an act of cruelty and abuse. Sure people can be cruel and abusive, but that is no reason to limit and constrain the speech of the entire population.

People who believe in the negative aspects of any idea are going to act upon their beliefs, and labeling the words that they once used as bad won't do anything to stop them.

Political correctness comes disguised as tolerance.

"When you want something and reason and evidence isn't going to win the day, then you are going to have to fall back on maneuvering, on appearance, on sophistry." - Stefan Molyneux

 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” “…you do what you can with what you have and clothe it with moral arguments.” – Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals

If a politician can shame a group of people for their beliefs then they can convince them to censor themselves in order to avoid ridicule and humiliation. I truly believe that PC culture is highly dependent on Saul Alinsky's 5th Rule.

Bottom line:

I do not believe that PC culture is based in tolerance but is just a new form of intolerance. It politicizes every topic that it touches and manipulates you in political agendas that have nothing to do with you, and the people who practice it use it because they are afraid to be attacked.

Political Correctness disguises itself as fairness and tolerance, yet attempts to control and restrict people, and its very practice encourages intolerance rather than the other way around.

About Me

My name is James Halladay, and I've been a member of the Steemit Community Since November.

I'm an up and coming new blogger, but I hope to be regularly talking about whatever I am feeling passionate about on this great platform.

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This is very true indeed! Great thoughts.

Thanks! I'm glad you think so

I didn't even know what PC meant until I saw the PC Principal in South Park. I think that common sense is all that is needed. Nice post. :)


Thanks. I remember how crazy i thought PC principal acts, but now it seems that wasnt a huge over dramatization lol.

I know I loved season 20 like a lot. I'll probs write a post about it soon. :p

Heck yeah can't wait to check it out. I loved season 20 too its crazy how relevant the shows narrative is on social issues, even years after the episodes came out. Have you seen rick and morty? It is one of the best new shows in my opinion

Haven't seen that. Maybe I'll check it out soon. Thanks. ;)