
in philosophy •  6 years ago 

Thoughts are a construct which conceal the truth, because there is no such thing as absolute truth that can be stated.

We are all hooked on the idea that there is an external world that is objectively always a certain way, but it's simply a manner of opinion.

The way it is, is always in relation to how you are. This is a trigger for those of us in battles, forcing our truths and facts upon others for what we believe is the greater good.

I'm not telling you to stop doing that because we must keep doing that to keep the show going, but realize it is a show, and don't take it so serious in a way that it creates hate in your soul. We're all just playing a role after all. The difference between the villain and the good guys simply a matter of position.

Be open. Be loving. Do your best at what you do.

Don't go looking for an explanation where there isn't one. It's a waste of purpose. I did it for a long time.

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