RE: Why There Is So Much Suffering In The World, And How You Can Learn To Cope With It.

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Why There Is So Much Suffering In The World, And How You Can Learn To Cope With It.

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

This is a very nice post.

It's easy to grasp this principle. To assimilate it, live it, and retain it however, is far more difficult a task. Before one can adopt a true belief in this universal law of balance, they must first find evidence to support it. This evidence cannot be found through reading articles such as this, nor through the viewing of YouTube videos or any other secondary source of information. There is but one way in which this truth can be realised; through observation.

I support this entirely as we can't fully grasp the happening of suffering or evil without observation.

Suffering and evil was worse in the past than it is today as Steven Pinker gave some very good insight in his book 'The better angels of our nature' that this is one of the most peaceful time the world has ever witnessed however we are better much aware of the happens around the world (thanks to the internet) now than ever in the history of human kind which makes evil news spread around faster and wilder than good news or deeds of humans and hence creates a false impression about the current state of the world as against the undocumented and unknown information of suffering or evil that has happened in the past.

In conclusion we can do better as humans to reduce the level of suffering however I feel we are making better progress than the generations before us in reducing the level of suffering and/or evil.

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i love how you tied all of this together "In conclusion we can do better as humans to reduce the level of suffering however I feel we are making better progress than the generations before us in reducing the level of suffering and/or evil" We are making better progress, we have more access to coping mechanisms, and therapy. we can get instant information from the tips of our fingers.

Exactly, we could use what is available to us to make great impact regarding the reduction of suffering.