RE: Why and how I am battling myself: Transcendence for dummies?

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Why and how I am battling myself: Transcendence for dummies?

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Dear @Privat,

I have no idea why you followed me, since i just arrived on the scene and do not have any blogs, but first of all i would really like to thank you for that!

Now here comes the 'weird' stuff (but lets call it synchronicity)

I red your blogs, and the first thing that came to mind was: this is someone on a similar path. But, to be honest that happend a lot lately since there seems to be an epidemic of lost souls in this particular part of space/time, and we're all clearly on our way to find ourselves, the proces which you called: transcendence.. So i kept reading and found out that your journey also has begon through the process which we recognize as, depression. Check that one..

So far just some synchronicity, not to crazy at all, but then i stumbled upon the avatar you're using, the inverted triangle..

I was only about 15 years old when i (consciously) started my journey, i had many friends and a well established identity (lots of ego so to speak, but ey, thats what count in the 3D world). By the time i was 18 i had rejected/lost all of that and felt completely lost in this world. I knew i was growing towards something, had some clues about what was going on, but still didn't see the bigger picture. Gladly i was supported by one person, which was my best friend at that time, and together we found out all this crazy new information and a lot of shit that we had to uncover. Since we felt completely lost in a world that was becoming more alien and stranger by the day, we decided to create a symbol, and with this symbol we wanted to create a movement of like minded people. The movement never really came from the ground but the symbol, which my friend designed, is embedded in my consciousness forever. It represents who i am, what i am, what i am doing and why i am doing it. It essentially stands for every piece of knowledge i have retrieved in my journey, and all has still to come..
It ment/means so much to me that i even have it tattooed on my arm..

Now you make one guess what i look likes :)

Coincidence?? Nahh, Synchronicity!!

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Wow, not sure where to begin! First of all thank you so much for taking your time to write time to write this comment. I’m going to have to read up on synchronicity a bit more now because this actually gave me a really strange feeling. :D

Just like you I’ve noticed a trend of likeminded people, that’s kind of the reason I felt initiated to look for somewhere to connect with these people and progress together. And so far, just from reading new stories a couple of day, this truly seems to be a great place for this. I just stumbled upon one of your first comments somewhere where you described that you just got started but had a lot of content coming on interesting topics. Not really enough to explain why I followed you maybe, just had a feel I guess..

And then the triangle.. Do I even need to explain or can I just say I had basically the same story. I didn’t actually draw the triangle in its current form until a couple of years ago. But I also share it with a friend who has been going through a lot of the same stuff it seems with me. Learning about the world and kind of separated from it as a result. I think we choose to write under the pseudonym Privat to kind of choose not to choose a name or a brand. We wanted to grow a movement that wasn’t a movement of people but of ideas good enough to replicate by themselves. Not completely sure if that’s the best way to go anymore but anyways. Definitely feels like some synchronicity is going on! Who knows, maybe we’ll steem under the same triangle soon. Got to sleep now. But thanks again and best of luck here until next time!

Amazing! You should definitely look into synchronicity when you got some time,. I'm aware off it since my wake up 10+ years ago, and looking back experienced it all my life, but i recently found out what the meaning/structure behind it is. I will write a full blog on this in the future but i can give you a little sneak preview because it is truly fascinating to me.

Synchronicity means to be 'in sync', but with what actually? To understand that we first have to grasp the meaning of 'oneness'. (note i say grasp cause from a human perspective we can't hardly judge or understand it but for as much as we can, we'll do :)) (Plus i'll try to be as less woo-woo as i can but these are concept that (for now still) lie outside of the domain of sience, so keep in mind from a scientific point its just speculations but when you encounter authentic truth knowledge you get 'that feeling' from within, thats the part of you 'that knows' and is telling you to pay attention :)) When you understand (or have at least an idea) that everything is connected energetically at some higher level, you begin to see that from this level there is no separation between us (the ones who experience) and the experience itself (our surrounding). We are only separated by our unique experience which we call our unique personal awareness or consciousness, and if we keep in mind that the transcendence process is all about getting more aligned with these higher aspects of ourself then we can understand that we are not only getting aligned with ourself as we grow, but also with our surrounding, since they are actually the same thing!

So the more synchronicity you experience, the more you are aligned with, yourself, your journey, your higher self whatever we would like to call it. In essence synchronicities are little reminders that tell us we're on the right track, and the more you are aware of them, and follow your true path, the more they will appear in your life!

Wow.. another massive comment haha. I hope you can give me some feedback if this made any sense to you since i sometime have a bit trouble going a bit deep into knowledge and then loosing people for not understanding it i guess, not to blame them offcoure so im working on my telling/writing style since i have literally tons of this info in my head that need to be shared!

Getting back to the movement and the triangle.. We wanted to grow a movement that wasn’t a movement of people but of ideas good enough to replicate by themselves. Thats truly the best definition i've ever heard of what we had in mind but never where able to do so! I got to start this day, working on yet another project, so i'll save the story why the movement didn't happen for later. But what i can tell you now is that you're doing a good thing writing under a pseudonym, especially if the two of you are planning to make this big! Keep in touch, peace!

Haha thank you for another massive comment! This makes so much sense to me. And if you’re right many more should connect to this content. At some level it’s impossible to deny that we’re all connected. Physically to earth, biologically to our common ancestors and socially. The last I feel being given too little credit often. The simple fact of us being able to share ideas with each other now but also recorded through time makes us from a larger perspective, no matter what we feel like we are, one big consciousness. Sure we have a slower processing speed for most tasks than our individual brains, but we’re working on that by making better use of the internet. And for the future Neuralink and brain-machine interfaces could revolutionize this. On the other hand we as one already have a lot better more reliable memory, although not perfect. Definably better at multi-tasking!

This is just excluding the fact that so many of us already experience this feeling of oneness. That’s just my attempt to find objective truths. I respect that you point out the barriers of what could really be called scientific at this point but also really agree that this feeling still seems important. Aren’t we, in a way, what we think we are? It seems almost more like a case of definition than science.

Again, everything you wrote makes so much sense to me, I know I have stumbled on the word synchronicity and I feel like it probably made some impact even though the word didn’t stick as well for me as it did for you. But thanks to this I’ll never forget what fascinating concept it describes. It’s really what I’ve been chasing for since I realized my ego couldn’t satisfy me. Best of luck on your stories I’m looking forward to read all of your ideas! - ▼