RE: Time traveling is possible

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Time traveling is possible

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

I believe in past lives, and so really this conversation can go far beyond the realm of simple time travel and memories from this life, but I think memories from past lives could factor into this as well. Maybe you're right. But some things are accurately documented in newspapers and dates on the back of photos, so we know we were in those times .. right? I know I was born in 1975. Was I? Maybe 1975 is really a memory of a different time? I think i'm confused.

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I was surprised to ser Hornetmusic here, but It made me smile... hhahaha

But yeah Serena... being confused can be fun, specially if the coffee is strong.

Sorry I haven’t been on in a while. Day job is wearing me out. But I’ll be back. 🤘🏻

Also I just typed that from my husband's account. This is paintingangels. not hornetmusic.

And so my very existence at all right now is a lie.

Now my existence is truth..