The world you want, exists. It can be achieved.

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Present worlds

When I was younger I felt that I did not understand the world around me. The world I saw had incongruences that I did not understand. Mostly it was in the social realm in how people interacted and treated one another. I saw a few extremes that I can now understand a little bit better. For example, I had friends that were well off (silver spoon kids) and then I also had friends that were extremely poor. I mean poor like living in a mud house and eating maybe rice and beans most of the time.

A little context:
I grew in Honduras, Central America. My parents were missionaries and they worked all over the region. Mostly it was religious work, but also food, water, and housing programs. I was exposed to see very extreme poverty and some harsh environments.

My incongruences were questions like: how can someone get to be so poor? Why is it that some HAVE and others DO NOT? or even angrily, why can't this one just get up and work?
There were of course difficult scenarios where single or widowed mothers were raising many kids on their own. Also when natural disasters struck and individuals lost all that they had. These were also incongruences to my mind and I questioned the cruelty and justice of the world.

The reason why I was so curious is that I somehow knew, it does not have to be this way. I have always believed that as a species, we can live in harmony and in a free world. A better world where there is enough for the basic necessities of everyone and much more. I now have a better idea of what that free world will look like and it is beautiful. The question is: how do we get there?


Freedom is the key to a better world.
Freedom, as defined by A.J. Glaombos is: the societal condition in which EVERY individual has full 100% control of his/hers property. Freedom at a personal level is called "Liberty." Liberty for me is: when I have full 100% percent control on my property--that is the derivatives of my life. This means that more than a societal condition, Freedom is also a personal condition. To achieve freedom, all individuals must acquire liberty. Liberty then, and ultimately freedom begins with the individual mind and then flows out to others.

I was very inspired by this quote from a book titled "Cloud Atlas"

“My life amounts to no more than one drop in a limitless ocean. Yet what is any ocean, but a multitude of drops?”
― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

What I understand now.

In order to achieve Freedom, we need to first become Liber individuals. This means that we have to change ourselves first. All principle-centered change comes from the inside-out. An organism must change from the inside-out, like a flower blossom from the inside-out. Life experiences have now taught me that when it comes to poverty and wealth, daily habits determine the outcome of an individual. A poor man needs to first change his mind, then his habits to ultimately change his personal condition. Liberty starts with the individual mind.

Future worlds

I do believe in a better world; a free world where an individual is a sovereign being. Where coercion no longer exists and property is protected from Fraud and Theft. Like all human products, the product of Freedom must be engineered, created, and finally adopted by the masses. This requires energy and action. Individual action in reforming our own minds and external action by purposely creating new strong coersion-free relationships amongst peers. This means that the political state must pass away and we must enter into a voluntary social contract of governance. Governments will exists to define relationship but they will be mostly small and probably more like courts to settle property disputes.

This is the world I imagine. A sovereign realm for the individual, where each person is fully responsible for their actions but also keeps 100% of the value he produces. This future world is achievable and it is forged by our actions in our present day. By each action we birth our future. By what you do today, or choose not to do, you are forging a path to what your individual and collective future will be.
I will leave you with this quote:

“I believe there is another world waiting for us. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there.”
― David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

If you were working for a new, free world, what would your free world look like?

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