Nineteen Eighty-Four: having a blockchain guarantees nothing

in philosophy •  9 years ago  (edited)

I find it fascinating to observe how human ego manifests itself. Especially when it tries to disguise itself and pretend the exact opposite of its appearance.

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The crypto-space is an amazing social laboratory where the most extreme examples pop up on a daily basis. The subject that intrigues me the most here, is how people with clearly totalitarian mindsets end up investing their time, energy and hard-earned money in a space which has been specifically designed to be the antithesis to their way of thinking.

It's quite obvious those people are very passionate about crypto-currencies (or at least the one they support) and surely treat them as some sort of rebellion against their government and the financial status quo.

Yet, their mindset, without any shadow of a doubt, belongs to the status quo. They reproduce the very behavior that they honestly think they rebel against.

In a way, they are the essence of tragic protagonists presented in ancient Greek dramas - they fight passionately but they are completely clueless and unconscious in their actions.

They live in paradox, not realizing that the biggest enemy they hate so much sits right in the middle of their minds.

Below is one of many similar posts to be found on Ethereum's subreddit. It's a single post by a single person, I've just split it into segments to make is easier to read.

Please note the following aspects which could easily have been taken right out of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four or a speech by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld or Paul Wolfowitz:

  • the concept of an external enemy which threatens our existence ("they want nothing more than to destroy us")
  • the external necessity to take on a fight ("we'll be forced to break their spirit", "we'll be forced to actively oppose them")
  • assumptions about malicious intentions and injustice taking place ("their only aim is to plunder our innovations and hard work")

In making them [ETC supporters] miserable, I'm not saying we'll get rid of them entirely. They'll always linger around, like a swarm of locusts... slowly draining the ecosystem of value. While I'd strongly prefer exterminating them, I can also recognize how the community lacks the will to mount the more aggressive kind of retaliation that I think would be in our best interest.

I've noticed a lot you are just trying to ignore them or move on or make peace. That's your choice, of course. But personally, I believe this attitude will accomplish nothing. It's a very naive and detrimental approach, in my opinion. I don't believe we can take it easy on the ETC folks. It's clear as day these people are our enemy. So, in making them miserable, all I mean to claim is that we'll be forced to break their spirit; in an economic and social sense, more than anything.

I doubt we'll use technical attacks against them. I doubt we'll waste resources DDoS'ing and forking them. Rather, what seems most likely to happen is that we'll merely continue to criticize, ridicule, disassociate, and outperform them. At this point, the most socially acceptable / politically correct form of retaliation is likely to be a whole sale staggered liquidation of our ETC holdings in exchange for ETH. In this way, we can depreciate the value of their chain and increase their investment risks. That'll have to be an ongoing process.

We can't just dump everything and ignore them. They're very intent on building out ETC to compete with ETH. They have a lot of support from influential figures in the crypto-community, and loads of capital to absorb our supply. That's a shaky threat we'd be wise to keep our eyes on. Basically, there's too much animosity towards this group to permit them to benefit at the expense of the Ethereum ecosystem. Based on their current behavior, and what they're likely to do in the future, we'll be forced to actively oppose them in the ways I describe, is my expectation.

Overall, I agree with you that they can do whatever they want on "their chain", and that this will redirect a lot of illicit / immoral projects away from Ethereum, further differentiating us from ETC. So, in that sense, I agree. They can run their scams in their own corner, and pump their shitcoin to the moon, for all I care. However, to think that we'll just stand idly by, and give them an easy time of it, is absurd. This group's only aim is to plunder our innovations and hard work, and tarnish Ethereum's public image. They want nothing more than to destroy us. People who behave in this manner should be crippled and crushed where they stand.


Why is this important for Steem?

We could easily ignore this guy - after all, the Internet is full of people like this. But I think here is the important lesson: being part of crypto-space guarantees nothing. Totalitarian mindset is able to flourish here even more, as it has the perfect way to hide itself and cunningly justify its actions ("we need to do it for the bigger goal").

Freedom (including the freedom of speech) is not given once and for all. It's a constant process of keeping our egos in check. Having a blockchain helps us in this respect but guarantees nothing, unless we commit a constant effort to remain very conscious and vigilant of the danger of becoming that which we rail against, as @prufarchy has put it perfectly in the comment below.

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It's the eternal struggle of not becoming that which we rail against, when we find ourselves suddenly in their company as colleagues

Thanks for this perfect summary.
I've taken the liberty of adding it to the post - I hope you don't mind.

Hey now! That's awesome, I'm glad to be a part of your post :)

It's quite obvious those people are passionate about crypto-currencies (or at least the one they support) and surely treat them as some sort of rebellion against their government and the financial status quo.

Oooooor.... some people are here just for the money and have no other ideological reasons behind their participation in cryptocurrency projects or cryptocurrency markets.

I think this is very easy to put into broader perspective. Every movement has its posers and progressives aren't an exception at all. On the other side you have the extremists.

For me there is one main lesson to learn out of this. Self reflect to find a healthy balance.

  ·  9 years ago Reveal Comment

Let's make Steembig!

I find this very insightful.
Can you check my blog for a totalitarian mindset, please :) ?

Should we police people like that or just ignore them? There would be some consequence regardless of what we do or don't do. But I think we have to draw the line somewhere.

No!!! Definitely not, IMO.

We should let them speak and exist in broad daylight. Let them be confronted and clearly visible. As long as they are visible they are quite harmless. Once we start to police them and prevent them from expressing their views - they will radicalize and become actually effective. Remaining in daylight is absolutely crucial IMO.

Good point.

👍great post @innuendo

Police them? Have you read the post?:')
In all seriousness though, the only way you can change someone's mind is to let them change their own mind. They have to find out for themselves. So what do you do? There are many strategies. The Socrates way of questioning is one. The essence of it is that they need to make the effort themselves. It's a learning curve.

You would probably enjoy the steemit blog, @moefbatpi, it's all about situations and instances similar to this. Your quote:

They reproduce the very behavior that they honestly think they rebel against.

Is like literally the theme of the blog (well, almost). Def get ahold of them next time to help you promote any topic that you feel fits in. This post right here is exactly the type of stuff they love. Keep up the good work!

There have been many posts where I have thought about the parallelisms to Nineteen Eighty-Four.

I see freedom as a human right. And I will do anything for the freedom of everyone

Ideologists are always prevelant in the early days of technological revolutions. I'd be worried if there weren't people like this in the Ethereum subreddit and the passion and conviction are a good sign.

Eventually, digital currencies will grow past the ideologists but we aren't there yet!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I think the word "ideologist" can have various connotations. Sometimes it's negative (this is the main accusation directed at the ETC camp). But sometimes it can be positive - e.g. I consider myself an ideologist as far as freedom of speech is concerned.

Also, there is one more interesting aspect related to ideology. Until ETC came into existence, I considered the Ethereum project rather uninteresting, as all I could think of were applications similar to Slockit's offering - smart solutions but IMO having no significant impact.

Whereas Ethereum Classic has brought something very important to the table: for me, it's a blockchain which openly supports the notion of taking responsibility for one's actions. In a way, that's very ideological but I've discovered that I actually need something ideological to make me want to engage.

In case of Steem, it is the notion of free speech and support for human creativity which makes me want to be part of it. So I guess most of us need some kind of ideology to drive our actions.

Blockchain technologies has given the everyday person, particularly one with a little tech know-how, an opportunity to be a larger stakeholder in economies that before were not possible. People start to become emotional invested in their coin of choice and sometimes that emotion clouds their objectivity.

The topic of the OPs ETH/ETC not withstanding, I see a lot of parallels between STEEM and Dogecoin. This is a lot of people's first foray into Crypto and because of STEEM's meteoric they have only seen the good times. STEEM is going to see some bad times, market down turns and outsiders scamming Steemians down the road. I fully expect such posts as seen in the OP and raw feelings when STEEM hits its true growing pains whenever that is.

I'm brand new to the world of crypto-currancies. I'm here because it's interesting... What a wonderful article to stumble on at the beginning of this journey. I will definitely keep this sentiment in mind going into the future. Thanks for sharing your wise words.

Upvoted for the title. Patrick Swayze loves George Orwell!!!

Excellence steem is that it allows you to join the cryptocurrency. People are weak on the whole it is difficult "internal kitchen" can just use this. And do not think. They need to teach and explain. Including explain those things that you have designated.

Lots of thoughts needing an awful lot of experience to decipher through and apply wisdom to... Very thick books have been written about the subject, yet history repeats itself. I guess in our society the very first lesson of history hasn't been learned yet: History repeats itself when it has been learned. ;) Namaste

Just leave everyone alone and learn from them to make your own better. Controlling takes time and effort out of your own project. No one knows whats right for others so, learn and do your own.
Great great read innuendo.

Wow! Excellent take! You're making me think :)

Thanks for this!

We mustn't forget "guarantees nothing without committing a constant effort to remain conscious", i feel. Thanks for nice posts!

Very interesting read, I never thought about it that way. I am all for decentralized systems, but these people are the problem. I think ETC was right for creating an alternate Ethereum universe. ETH allowing a bailout to happen is what we need to get away from. In a free market everyone has the same rights but not the same pay. If you make a bad investment you deserve to lose that money. It just happened to me on HYIP scams. You live, learn, and move on.
