I'm Listening to ๐ŸŽง Lecture 26 - Decartes : The Authority of Reason

in philosophy โ€ขย  7 years agoย  (edited)

๐ŸŽง๐Ÿ“—I'm 43% through The Great Ideas of #Philosophy, 2nd Edition by The Great Courses, narrated by Professor Daniel N. Robinson on my Audible app. ๐ŸŽง๐Ÿ“—
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ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Vote and follow @afitnur

ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

Thanx for the comment ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿผโœ”๏ธ