"From Beyond the Grave"

in philosophy •  7 years ago 

Tserkov' Pokrova na Nerli Cc unsplash Vladimir Chuchadeev.jpg

Eddy’s and currents swirling,
Glowing in the "Dying Light of Day".
Emotions and thoughts likewise swirling,
Leave me wondering
This life is such a roller coaster, mostly unpredictable..
Why do we go to the trouble to plan,
Trying to influence the outcomes of things over which we have
Little of no control
Should not our focus be living a life of
Caring, of Acceptance and Appreciation of the
Vivid Beauty Apparent in Every Aspect of our World?
I now think that this should be primary.
THIS should be our focus in Life.
We Live On,
In many different ways.
This is a fact no
Matter what your beliefs about
"Life After Death"
May be, if for no other reason, and in no other way than,
We Live On in the memories of those Who Knew Us.
And when those
Memories guide and affect
The ones carrying those
Memories, are we not
Then reaching out
From beyond
The Grave?


"From Beyond the Grave"

Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

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